This is one of my favorite posts to write each year. Anticipation for the gaggle of games…that we might or might not, due to production issues, shipping challenges, playtesting issues, supply chain issues, have on our tables in 2024. In fact, in looking at my list of games last year, just 5 of the 10 games highlighted were not released in 2023. Frankly, I think that 50% is pretty good and I am proud of that effort! One other problem is that there are always more games coming out than we can possibly cover and play but it is still fun to look ahead and play the “what if” game.

Each year since year 3 of the blog (having been started in 2016), I have posted this list highlighting my most anticipated wargames for the upcoming year. The list has grown each year with the first entry consisting of 11 games in 2018, then growing to 12 games in 2019 and 2020, ballooning to 18 games in 2021 and finally settling on just 10 games in 2022 and 2023. This year, I will focus again on just 10 games in an effort to keep this list manageable. In case you missed my post from last year, you can read that here: Most Anticipated Wargames of 2023!

Once again the same as I did last year, I wanted to let you know that the games chosen for the list might not fit your definition of a wargame. I feel that historical and wargames are somewhat interchangeable because of the quote from Clausewitz “war is a mere continuation of policy with other means”. Wargames to me are a broad category not simply relegated to hexes, counters and a CRT. Don’t get me wrong. I really like hexes, counters and a CRT. But wargames can include none of these three things and be considered wargames to me. But that is probably a debate for another time. Once this post is shared, I expect variants of the following comments/questions:

Those aren’t wargames!

I am anticipating none of these because they don’t have hexes!

Where are the hexes (also counters? or CRT)?

What are you smoking Grant?

The COIN Series of games are not wargames!

I hate your blog!

A new one this year was you aren’t a wargamer!

And many other and sundry responses. I don’t take those comments personally. I really don’t care if readers agree with my list or not as it truly is my list and I can do with it what I want. If you disagree with me that much, please let me know without being rude as I have feelings! But, I do like to hear your feedback in order to provide me with some ammunition for posts in the future. So, without further quibbling, onto the games!

GTS The Greatest Day: Utah Beach from Multi-Man Publishing

While attending WBC in 2018, we got a look at an early prototype copy of a huge Grand Tactical Series game called The Greatest Day: Utah Beach from Multi-Man Publishing. At that time, we were lucky enough to sit down with 2 of the designers including Tom Holliday and Joe Chacon to discuss the design and also got a look at the game on the table in the open gaming area. We were really taken aback by this monster wargame! It also is a part of a very revered series that we have yet to play. Now, with our larger table with a recessed play area, we could potentially set this one up and give it a go over an extended period of time. The Greatest Day: Utah Beach, which is volume two in The Battle for Normandy Series, is a such a monster but it also has some smaller scenarios and some additional maps and cards to use along with those so space may not be too much of a concern for those plays.

From the game page, we read the following:

The Greatest Day: Utah Beach is the second of three volumes in the Grand Tactical Series that covers the Battle for Normandy in June of 1944.

We at Multi-Man Publishing are proud to present our tribute to the brave men of yesteryear, who fought on Utah Beach and in the hedgerows of the Cotentin Peninsula. The Greatest Day: Utah Beach includes a wide array of scenarios from the beach landings, to airborne troops seizing Carentan, to cutting the Cotentin Peninsula. There are small 8.5”x11” scenarios up to full campaign games stretching across the entire peninsula.

Just to give you a look into the scale of this monster, the game has the following components: 16 full color counter sheets (5/8” counters), 1 full color half counter sheet (5/8” counters), 2 full color 22”x34” map sheets, 2 full color double-sided 22” x 34” map sheets, 1 full color 11” x 34” double-sided map sheet and 4 8.5” x 11” full color scenario maps/overlays. There is a lot in this box and the price reflects that.

There are smaller scenarios that use smaller maps, such as the one shown above of the Carentan area, which is an airborne assault scenario. 16 full counter sheets is a lot of counters and I don’t have any idea how I would keep that organized as that would take at least 10 large counter trays and there is no way they are going back inside that box! Oh wait, my hand just cramped up thinking about having to clip that many counters!

If you are interested in The Greatest Day: Utah Beach, you can pre-order a copy for $249.00 from the Multi-Man Publishing website at the following link:

There is no target shipping date at this point but the game has enough pre-orders and a few months ago they mentioned that “the game “work continues on GTS Utah. We are working on corrections to counters and maps, as submitted by the development team. We want to have this ready to ship by the end of this year (2023)”. We will cross our fingers and hope that we get this one in 2024!

Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India, 1290-1398 from GMT Games

While at Noble Knight Games in September, we met up with one of the designers for Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India, 1290-1398 from GMT Games Saverio Spagnolie and were able to take a look at the game, play it and shoot a few videos. If you didn’t know, in the March 2021 Monthly Update from GMT Games, a new series called the Irregular Conflicts Series was announced as well as the first game in that series called Vijayanagara. This new game is not a COIN Series game but it shares some of the same elements and its genesis was in a design contest held called Consim Game Jam where designers had to repurpose a COIN Series game and it’s components and make a new playable game in about 48 hours! The game that won the competition was Vijayanagara. The game is an asymmetric 1-3 player game depicting the epic, century-long rise and fall of medieval kingdoms in India over two dynastic periods.

Here is a link to the rules overview video we did with Saverio prior to playing the game:

Here is the video where we discussed the game after playing (and man that game is very good!) and also asked Saverio a bit about the design process:

What a great time we had with Saverio. Vijayanagara is very COIN like but with some new tricks that keep the game fast paced and interesting. Alexander played the Vijayanagara Empire while I took the role of the Bahmani Kingdom and Saverio played as the Delhi Sultanate. The game played in about 90 minutes and when the dust settled Alexander walked away with a meager 1 point victory. One of the coolest things about the design is that events are very powerful and when they are taken about half of them allow the player taking the event to remain eligible. This makes the game very interesting and fast paced with little to no downtime for any player.

As you can see below, the game looks like a COIN Series game with multi-colored wooden discs, cubes and cylinders. The Vijayanagara Empire (yellow starts out in the south of India) while the Bahmani Kingdom (blue) starts in the west central portion of the board. The Delhi Sultanate has both green troop cubes s well as black Governors to enforce the rules and ensure that tribute is paid on time to the Sultanate.

Gameplay and turn order is organized around a deck of Event Cards, with each new card, factions have the option to carry out the event or to select from faction-specific Commands and special Decrees; Commands such as the Conscription of new troops, Governing in Tributary Provinces, and Migration to spread influence and claim new lands, and Decrees ranging from Demanding Tribute, Conspiring with Delhi’s Governors to betray the Sultan, and forming new Alliances with minor regional powers.

I love the graphic design and use of colors here and the whole package is going to simply be outstanding. Saverio was very kind to us and taught the game well. I can see that he is a proud designer and mentioned the work of all of his codesigners including Cory Graham, Mathieu Johnson and Aman Matthews.

We posted an interview with the design team and you can read that at the following link:

We also hosted a series of Event Card Spoilers and you can read those at the following links:

Card #1 – Capital Relocated

Card #2 – Uprising in Daulatabad

Card #3 – Kakatiya Empire Extinguished

Card #4 – The Hare and the Hounds

Card #5 – The Raichur Doab

Card #6 – A New Calculus

Card #7 – Musunuri Nayakas

Card #8 – The Turquoise Throne

Card #9 – Mongol Invasion

If you are interested in Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India, 1290-1398, you can pre-order a copy for the special P500 price of $54.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link:

From the December 21st Monthly Update email from GMT Games, we were told that the game would be charging in early January but they had a slight delay and it was moved to charging on January 11th. This means that we should have the game on our tables by early February and that is awesome!

France ‘40 2nd Edition from GMT Games

You know that we both really like the ’40X Series from GMT Games designed by Mark Simonitch. The mechanics work well together to create an enjoyable and interesting experience with low counter density and beautiful boards and counters. One of the 1st few games in the series was France ’40, which tells the story of the unleashing of the Blitzkrieg tactic on France during spring/early summery 1940. That game has eluded us but a few years ago they announced a 2nd Edition and I was very excited. Over the past few months, they have released some art and the new cover and board just look amazing.

France ’40 2nd Edition is a major upgrade to the original game. The changes include several rules updates for Extended Movement, Combat, Advance After Combat, Breakthrough Combat and Determined Defense have been updated so they are more in line with the recent games in the ’40X Series such as Stalingrad ’42 and Salerno ’43). A new scenario has also been included that is designed by Mark Merritt that combines both maps.

This double-sided mounted map features the game’s Dynamo map on one side and the Sickle Cut map on the other. And they look really great as they have been updated with some new colors and layout. As I look at the board, I just think it draws me in and makes we want to play it.

From the game page, we read the following:

France ’40 contains two separate games: Sickle Cut and Dynamo. Both games use the same rules and share many game pieces, but each has a separate full size map.

Sickle Cut: Guderian’s Drive to the Channel
This game covers the crucial week in May 1940 when the German army broke the French line on the Meuse and raced to the sea at Abbeville. The game starts on May 13th, the third day of Case Yellow. Six panzer divisions have passed through the Ardennes and are now at the Meuse River. The French and British have raced through Belgium to reach the Dyle Line and cover the Gembloux Gap. The stage is set. Can the Germans cross the Meuse in front of strong opposition? And, if they can, will they be able to break out from the bridgeheads and advance across the map while threatened by Allied reinforcements pouring in from the north and south?

Dynamo: Retreat to Victory
This game covers the British withdrawal to Dunkirk and the evacuation. The game starts on May 24th, the day the British decide that the B.E.F. is in real danger of being cut-off from their supply base and the best option is to head for the coast at Dunkirk. However, many of the German panzer divisions are closer to Dunkirk than the British. Can the British reach the coast before the Germans? Can they hold the Dunkirk perimeter for eight days while they evacuate?

The rules for both games highlight armor, air support, and morale. Special rules include: Allied Heavy Tanks, DeGaulle, Rommel, Hitler’s Halt Order, and French Command Paralysis.

Here is a gander at the Sickle Cut scenario board:

And the Dynamo scenario board:

If you are interested in France ’40 2nd Edition, you can pre-order a copy for $38.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link:

COIN Series Volume XIII Red Dust Rebellion from GMT Games

This one is the first and only COIN Series game appearing on this list (even though China’s War and The Pure Land might also be complete this year but I am not holding my breath!) and is one that we highlighted in our 2023 list but that didn’t make it to the finish line! I told you I love the series and there are lots of titles still in design and development with more coming. And I love that it is now being taken in a new direction with its first volume that is not based in history but has a Sci-Fi setting on the red planet of Mars. Red Dust Rebellion, designed by newcomer J. Carmichael, tells the story of a future in which Mars has been colonized and forms its own government called the Martian Provisional Government. The game delves into the conflict of a fictitious Martian revolt of the 2250’s and the rise of Martian nationalism. Up to 4 players will take part in this game and control one of the four factions.

I also really am drawn to the various factions in the game as they really create a nice dystopian feel to the game. The game also has some really unique elements added that are more easily included because of the fictitious setting. Here are some of those unique features:

A hostile world – Dust storms will appear and block access to different regions for extended periods of time. Fighting in the densely-populated labyrinths can end up damaging life-giving infrastructure. And the vast surface of the planet means forces can just disappear in the dust.   

The unpredictable raiders – The CR does not use Resources or appear on the standard order of activation. Instead, they use a new system to the COIN series that allows them to interject and decide when they wish to act, allowing for less frequent but sudden moves.   

The Aldrin Cycler – Earth is a long way from Mars. Many COIN supplies and replacements will take a long time to get from Earth to Mars, forcing those factions to plan for the long term.  

Multiple battlefields – Red Dust Rebellion takes place across 3 major theaters on Mars: The Noctis Labyrinthus, The Hellas Basin, and Arabia Terra. Between these areas is the vast wilderness of Mars, largely unpopulated with barren wastes as vast as the total landmass of Earth.  

Satellite warfare – The COIN forces control a network of surveillance satellites, but there are rumors that some are equipped with mass drivers and orbital assault pods as well.    

Everything is connected – All of the major cities on Mars are connected by spaceports. If you control both locations, you can freely move forces back and forth, allowing for sudden changes in the complexion of each theatre.   

The Earth Governments (EG) form a 5th faction that maintains elite forces and an extensive satellite network. Control of the EG forces changes between the MG and CORP based on how much Earth trusts the Martian government to manage the rebellion.   

Here is an introduction video from the designer on the game:

If you are interested in learning more about the game and its design process, you can read our designer interview with J. Carmichael which was posted in July 2021 at the following link:

If you are interested in COIN Series Volume XIII Red Dust Rebellion, you can pre-order a copy on the P500 game page for $66.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link:

As of the December 2023 Monthly Update from GMT Games, this one is currently in final art and proofing but has not been assigned an estimated shipping date as of yet. The update did mention that it had moved up in the print queue since last month which is progress. If I were guessing, this one will not be out until 3rd or 4th quarter of 2024.

The Other Side of the Hill from NAC Wargames

I really am intrigued by this game. The Other Side of the Hill is a very interesting looking take on World War II and has some very unique looking mechanics. We recently posted a very in-depth interview with the designer Carlos Márquez Linares and you can read that at the following link:

From the game page, we read the following:

The Other Side of the Hill is a boardgame that simulates the effects that the struggle for power within the German High Command had on the development of the Second World War. Up to four players represent military leaders cooperating and competing as they manage Germany’s wartime strategy. To win, they must vie for Prestige by advancing the careers of their chosen Army and Army Group commanders, grabbing their share of victories while the early-war pickings are easy, then avoiding responsibility for battlefield disasters as the Soviets and the Western Allies solidify and push back.

There are also several game modes for gameplay:

Competitive > One player will win, even if Germany collapses.
Cooperative > If Germany collapses, all players lose.
Semi-cooperative > There will be one winner, but Germany must survive.
Solitaire > You are alone against all odds.

There are also several different scenarios with varying game lengths:

The Triumph of Blitzkrieg (1939-1941): 3-4 hours
Total War (1942-1945): 5-6 hours
World War (1941-1945): 8-10 hours
Armageddon (1939-1945): 10-14 hours

Here is a link to a teaser trailer video:

If you are interested in The Other Side of the Hill, you can late back the project on the Kickstarter page at the following link:

Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 from Revolution Games/Take Aim Designs

I love a good solitaire wargame! And this entry will be the lone solitaire wargame on this list. Mike Rinella is a heck of a designer and really creates very playable games. Last year, I played and had a great experience with Stalingrad: Advance to the Volga, 1942 from Revolution Games/Take Aim Designs and now there is a follow-up to that game with Volume 2 in the Solitaire Area Movement Series called Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945.

From the game page, we read the following:

After years of jungle fighting and island hopping the battle for Manila was the first urban fighting experienced by American forces during the war in the Pacific. The campaign by the American XIV Corps to defeat Iwabuchi’s forces and capture the city has been depicted in a handful of two-player designs in the past but is presented here in a new and exciting SOLITAIRE format, the second in a series of single-player area movement games by publisher Take Aim Designs.

Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 puts the player in charge of the attacking and far more mobile American side while the game system handles the defending and largely static Japanese side. No two games will ever be the same. Each turn presents new and unique challenges for the player in the form of random events, uncertain supply deliveries, and unknown Japanese area strengths and defensive strategies.

The primary game is a nine-turn campaign covering the American assault on the city during February and March 1945. The deeper American forces advance, from the city’s less developed periphery to its urban business district and fortress-like government buildings, the greater Japanese resistance becomes. The number of American units fought to exhaustion, effectively out of action, mounts. American determination to secure a rapid victory for Supreme Allied Commander General Douglas MacArthur, represented as “morale” in the game, gradually decreases. The player wins by equaling or exceeding historical American gains and loses if they fail to do so, or if morale falls too low.

With a setup time of less than 15 minutes, low counter density, endless variability, and quick playing time, Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 will appeal to every level of player, from the novice to the grognard.

I have extensively played the first game in the series Stalingrad: Advance to the Volga and can attest to the quality and playability of the system as well as it’s fun factor. You can find several resources on the game on the blog and our YouTube Channel. I will share a few here:

Here is a look at my full First Impressions post:

Here also are links to several Action Point posts I wrote and you can read those on the blog at the following links:

Action Point 1 – Board

Action Point 2 – Soviet Defenders and their different Defensive Strategies

Action Point 3 – How Combat Works and how Support Units are used

Action Point 4 – Focus on Supply and Management of German Morale

Action Point 5 – Strategy Points

Finally, here is a link to my full review video:

If you are interested in Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945, you can pre-order a copy for $45.00 from the Revolution Games website front page at the following link:

In reading the website, they plan to ship this game the 2nd week of February so it won’t be long now. I would go ahead and get your order in quickly before you lose that discount.

1812 – Napoleon’s Fateful March from VUCA Simulations

This is the only game on the list that I am really more so hoping it will get published in 2024 than knowing it has a real chance of being published in 2024. But, the game looks amazing, based on the limited information available and I know that Brian Asklev is a pretty sharp designer as he worked with us on a series of Event Cards Spoilers for his upcoming game Baltic Empires: The Northern Wars of 1558-1721 from GMT Games. His new game is a Napoleonics games called 1812 – Napoleon’s Fateful March.

From the game page, we read the following:

1812 – The Fateful March is a 2-player game that simulates Napoleons invasion of Russia at the operational level. It is an easy to play card-driven system that utilizes secret order placement which ensures constant tension and little to no downtime.
As befits the historical campaign, the game features a strong focus on logistic planning and march attrition with a set of simple but highly narrative mechanics.

There is a lot in that small description including that the game is a CDG at the Operational Level and that there are hidden orders and troop movements. Sounds choice and I am hotly anticipating this one!

If you are interested in 1812 – Napoleon’s Fateful March, you can check out the game page on the VUCA Simulations website at the following link:

You can also find a lot more information on the Board Game Geek entry at the following link:

I found this tidbit from Brian posted on BGG as of December 21, 2023 to give us a bit more of an idea about the game’s status and future plans with the series:

As an early Christmas present to everyone (very much including myself), I hereby present you with 2 pieces of good news:

1812 – Napoleon’s Fateful March will soon go to the printers (I am proofing the final documents now)

Serious work has begun on the next game in the Marshals & Quartermasters Series! The working title is 1813 – The Fate of Europe and I am nearly finished with the map. It will use the same unit scale as 1812 but a different time and map scale and a much more forgiving attrition table as Germany was much more wealthy and densely populated (+the time scale is smaller).

The Fate of All: Alexander’s III Campaign Against the Achaemenid Empire, 334-331 BCE  from Thin Red Line Games

If you are a monster wargame fan then you are probably familiar with Thin Red Line Games and the genius behind the madness Fabrizio Vianello. They are a small but passionate publisher and my favorite thing about them is that Fabrizio speaks in his military jargon so fluently that it is such a thematic boost to the games they produce. Last year, we posted an interview covering their most recent Cold War Gone Hot game called Die Festung Hamburg and now they have a new Ancients game that was put up on pre-order last June called The Fate of All: Alexander’s III Campaign Against the Achaemenid Empire, 334-331 BCE.

From the game page, we read the following:

Loosely inspired on SPI’s The ConquerorsThe Fate of All is an operational/tactical simulation covering the first four years of the campaign led by Alexander the Great against the Achaemenid Empire ruled by Darius III.

Rules are centered on the problems of army organization, supply and morale. Armies must be organized in a balanced way or they will move slowly, cavalry must be assigned to foraging, raid, or reconnaissance, morale must be kept under control using glory or donations.

Political aspects are also a key element. Both sides will have to use money or threats to gain support and will face treason, revolts and dubious allies.

All the classical sources and several modern military-focused studies are being used during development. In particular, The Anabasis of Alexander by Arrianhas been chosen as the main and most reliable classical source for two reasons: Arrian based most of his writing on the now lost Ptolemy’s account of the campaign, and he was himself a military commander, thus having a better understanding of the problems and key facts of a military campaign.

The final goal is to give a realistic representation of ancient warfare, without strange salads of godly interventions, auguries and Homeric duels. In the end, players will find that the problems faced were similar to those encountered during the Napoleonic era or the American Civil War.

As is normally the case with Thin Red Line Games products, the maps are absolutely gorgeous and well done.

The four maps will cover Greece, part of the Balkans, Anatolia, Egypt and the Middle East up to Babylon. The scale is 30 km per hex with monthly turns.

The maps are designed using the latest archaeological studies and findings, but despite centuries of research several things are still only vaguely known: Some examples are the extension and path of the Persian Royal Roads, the location of several important cities and the exact route of Alexander’s Army. In these cases, the “most accepted theory” rule has been used.

In exclusive on Big Board Gaming, the first part of the Designers’ Notes for the upcoming The Fate of All.

If you are interested in The Fate of All: Alexander’s III Campaign Against the Achaemenid Empire, 334-331 BCE, you are encouraged by the designer Fabrizio Vianello to reserve a copy immediately by writing a Votive Tablet (email) to!

Fabrizio also shares:

Cost? No idea yet. When? Somewhere in 2024 hopefully. More details to come…

1793: Patriots & Traitors – The French Revolution, Year II from Sound of Drums

If you are looking for really well produced and beautiful game covering the French Revolution, you don’t need to look any further. 1793: Patriots & Traitors is a new offering from Sound of Drums Games and is just gorgeous. The components appear to be top notch and the game looks very interesting as it is a Card Driven Game.

From the game page, we read the following:

1793: Patriots & Traitors recreates the chaos that tore up France in the years 1792-1794 as it has never been done before!

Each of the players belong to a political faction, each with their own objective. Although engaged in a brutal political tug-of-war, they WILL have to work together to prevent the armies of Austria, Prussia and Sardinia-Piedmont from reaching Paris, thereby crushing the Revolution and ending the game prematurely…for everyone!

1793: Patriots & Traitors is a very compact CDG game that makes use of multi-functional playing cards to allow the players a broad range of decisions…and rest assure that every decision made has its consequences. With them, the players will be able to influence a number of areas in Paris (National Convention, Palais-Egalité, the Paris streets…) or the provinces. Each controlled area offers certain benefits…or will help them to perform a Coup d’Etat or Civil War if things turn for the worse… 

Also included are the various revolutionary protagonists such as Robespierre, Danton, Marat, Brissot who can help their faction to achieve their objective IF they are not arrested or assassinated in the meantime!

Core mechanic is the possibility of making of laws for the new Republic which will change the game rules or even alter the board…of course: it’s a Revolution!

Be prepared for a warm and asymmetrical game of high replayability that will allow you and your fellow patriots to relive the French Revolution: from the heated discussions in the National Convention to the angry streets of Paris and from the cheering crowds around the bloody guillotine to the gun smoke filled battlefield of Fleurus!         

Also if you prefer your games solo, 1793: Patriots & Traitors includes a solitaire mode. In the mode, you will be able to play the Conservative Feuillants or the Radical Jacobins. The non-active moderate Girondins and Ultra-Radical Cordeliers will function as the ‘AI’ which you must try to influence in order to make them your political ally…In both systems, the actions and events during the course of the game are determined by the symbols at the bottom of the cards, offering a faster paced game, but with the same pressure and challenges.

Other than that, I don’t know much else about the design but it looks great and is on a rarely gamed topic with fantastic production. I am very much looking forward to this one and hope that it can actually get printed this year.

If you are interested in 1793: Patriots & Traitors – The French Revolution, Year II, you can late back the project on the Gamefound page at the following link:

The Gamefound campaign ended on November 28th and was funded and I know that they are working on the production as I write this.

Bretwalda from PHALANX

I am a sucker for a good “Dudes on a Map” style game and especially when it is a freaking work of art and so beautiful it should be a wall painting and not necessarily just a game. Bretwalda from PHALANX is a game for 1-4 players that plays in around 2 1/2 hours. Each player takes charge of one of the kingdoms of medieval England, including Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex and East Anglea, and each of these kingdoms has unique leaders and abilities. The goal is to be crowned the Bretwalda of England and victory will be achieved through a combination of controlling key areas with victory points, completing Chronicle Cards in the form of hidden objectives and also focusing on building various buildings such as Abbeys.

As a part of the Gamefound campaign in 2022, we were lucky enough to have played a 4-player game with our friends Russ Wetli who runs the wargame blog Cardboard Conflicts and Jacob Garis and we all had a blast! Here is a look at our preview video for the campaign:

There are lots of different games in the Lite Civ Building “Dudes on a Map” Area Control genre. Too many probably. But Bretwalda has some rather unique elements and attempts to do what these games do but does them in a novel and different way. From how resources are collected (only with a unit in that space) to incentivizing combat with the Chronicle Cards (you have to go out and control Dalc spaces) and a very interesting and fun combat system with custom dice for each unit type and Lordship Cards that add special abilities. This game is special and beautiful and thematic and earns a spot on my shelf as a game that I want to play again and again.

If you are interested in learning more about the mechanics and design process for Bretwalda, we posted an interview on the blog with the game designer Leo Soloviey and you can read that at the following link:

I also wrote a piece on the blog discussing how the design does things differently than other Lite Civ Building “Dudes on a Map” Area Control games in the genre. You can read that post at the following link:

If you are interested in Bretwalda, you can pre-order a copy for €87,00 (approximately $94.50) from the PHALANX website at the following link:

I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading this list (I know I had a good time writing it!) and I hope that you have a good financing plan to purchase all the gaming goodness coming soon. Let me know what games you are looking forward to in 2024 as I always like to hear your thoughts. With so many good games upcoming it is really hard to cover them all! A few others that I am keenly awaiting but didn’t highlight here are A Gest of Robin Hood from GMT Games, In the Shadows from GMT Games, The Troubles from Compass Games and Burning Banners from Compass Games to name just a few!
