Last year, we were contacted by our good friend Randy Lein from Legion Wargames about a new project called Werwolf: Insurgency in Occupied Germany, 1945-1948, which is a COIN Series inspired multi-faction game taking a look at a what if situation at the end of World War II with various possible insurgencies. He asked if we would be interested in doing some coverage through an interview and possibly some other mediums, such as our Event Card Spoilers format that we have used in other games, and we were immediately intrigued by the concept and the fact that the game uses some of the elements of one of our favorite series. I have been in communication with one of the designers Clint Warren-Davey since that time and he has shared lots of information with me, including the rules and some of their background work on this one, and I wanted to make sure we gave it some light to give you a chance to understand what the game is so that you can make an informed decision about whether you plan to order this one or not. Clint has been great to work with and has agreed to write a series of short articles on the Event Cards and their basis in history as well as how they are used in the game.

If you are interested in ordering Werwolf: Insurgency in Occupied Germany, 1945-1948, you can pre-order a copy for $72.00 from the Legion Wargames website at the following link:

#49 British Mandate

As a result of World War I and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, Britain had ruled Palestine as a “Mandate” territory since 1920. While the Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) had carved up the post-war Middle East between Britain and France with little regard to the opinions of the populations there, the British had also publicly declared their support for a Jewish state in the Balfour Declaration (1917). The growing Jewish population in Palestine, especially after the Holocaust, became increasingly aggressive in their demands for an independent Jewish state and resorted to terrorism to achieve this aim. Haganah was the main Zionist paramilitary organization devoted to this aim. The Irgun, an offshoot of Haganah, became infamous for their use of political violence, especially the King David Hotel bombing (1946) and the Deir Yassin massacre of Palestinian civilians (1948). The Jewish state of Israel was established in 1947-48, and the British withdrew their remaining troops. Fans of the GMT COIN Series might have become more familiar with the subject in recent years due to the release of The British Way by Stephen Rangazas.

In the game, this card provides two options, reflecting the complex relationship of the nascent Jewish state with the Allies. The top option sees Haganah volunteers coming over to Germany to wreak terror on the pro-Nazi German population, while the occupying powers turn a blind eye. These Haganah volunteers might well be working alongside the deadly Nakam Squads to exact vengeance for the Holocaust. Alternatively, the Irgun organization might lead a large-scale revolt in Palestine, requiring the diversion of British troops from the German occupation. Either way, this card is quite situationally powerful and could severely damage either the Allies or the Werwolves.

If you missed the previous entries in the series, you can catch up on the posts to date by following the below links:

#26 Radio Werwolf

#85 Operation Effective

#82 The Desert Fox

#73 Soviet Space Program

#25 Otto Skorzeny

#75 Berlin Blockade

#2 Paddy Mayne’s Boys

#93 Operation Cowboy

#79 Group Pliev

#73 Berlin Uprising

#31 National Redoubt

#6 Husarenritt

#9 The Morgenthau Plan

#6 Werner von Braun

#54 Schnez-Truppe

#85 Polish Peoples’ Republic

#70 Kriminalkommissar

#91 Katukov’s Toast

#62 CIC

#3 Nuremberg Trials

#14 GI’s and Fräuleins

#5 HV Peenemünde

#52 War in the East

#57 Bundesrepublik

#17 Walter Schellenberg

#4 Magyar Honvédség

Even though the pre-order numbers are increasing and nearing their ultimate goal of 250, we are still hosting these card spoilers to share more about the game and its alternate history. In the meantime, if you are interested we posted an interview with the designers and you can read that at the following link:
