Summer is finally here and the weather is definitely heating up! I love summer time. I typically have a bit less to do at home with children and running them to practices and schools functions as my wife is a teacher and off during the summers so I always seem to have a bit more time to play wargames. This month, I was able to locate a total of 26 games to share including 6 of those being offered on Kickstarter and 1 being offered on Gamefound.

Also this month, we again have a sponsor for the Wargame Watch post in VUCA Simulations who is a newer German publisher that is really destroying it with their graphics and production. There games are also very good and we have really enjoyed several of their titles including Donnerschlag: Escape from Stalingrad and most recently Traces of War. They have several titles that are releasing this month including 1812 – Napoleon’s Fateful March and Traces of Hubris (you can read about those below in the New Release section).

But I also want to point your attention to their In Development Section of their website to show you all of the great projects that they are currently working on.

This first batch has 3 really interesting titles including Modern Tactics #1 – Afghanistan, which is a tactical game designed by Shayne Logan of Old School Tactical Series fame, a WWI title called Seminal Catastrophe designed by Mike Lorino and Mirages – Formation Series #1 designed by Dirk Blennemann, which covers 4 separate campaigns of the African Theatre of War in WWII including Operations Compass, Brevity, Battleaxe and Scorpion. There is a pretty good description on each of these titles on the site and I am very much interested in all 3 of these games.

The next batch in this section includes some really interesting titles on interesting subjects. 1916 – Prelude to Blitzkrieg designed by Paul Hederer uses a similar system to 1914 – Nach Paris and focuses on the battels around Romania from August to December 1916, which was unique for the Great War as it featured sweeping advances by both sides and reliance on cavalry forces. Next is In Four to Heaven: The Invasion of Poland 1939 designed by Grzegorz Kuryłowicz that is a strategic level wargame that takes us through the entire first campaign of WWII from September 1st through October 6, 1939 and finally The Far Seas designed by Martin Anderson that focuses on the hunt for Merchant raiders at the start of World War I. All of these designs are simply mouthwatering and I am very excited to know more and plan to contact these designers to do interviews.

Here are some links to interviews that we have done covering their great games in the past:

Brian Asklev Designer of 1812 – Napoleon’s Fateful March

Yves Rettel Designer of Red Strike – 1989

Patrick Gebhardt Designer of Donnerschlag: Escape from Stalingrad

Patrick Gebhardt and Jack Greene Designers of The Chase of the Bismarck – Operation Rheinübung 1941

Krzysztof Biernacki Designer of Across the Bug River: Volodymyr-Volynskyi 1941

If you missed the May Wargame Watch, you can read that here at the following link:


1. Hunt for Blackbeard from Fort Circle Games Currently on Kickstarter

Volko Ruhnke can design a game. That’s for sure. He has designed some of our favorite games, including Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001-?Wilderness War, and of course the COIN Series games starting with Andean AbyssA Distant PlainFire in the Lake and Falling Sky to name a few. He also is a wonderful mind and is always pushing the envelope with design and has now branched out to create a totally different type of game in Hunt for Blackbeard from Fort Circle Games. This game was originally offered on P500 through GMT Games in 2019 but was later removed about a year or so ago. The game has been picked up by Fort Circle Games and they are preparing the game for a Kickstarter campaign.

From the game page, we read the following:

Now the Hunt for Blackbeard is on again. As Blackbeard, you must select your anchorage carefully, as you’ll need all your guile to survive. Will you cash in for the diversions of a pirate’s life, or return to acts of piracy as your money runs out? The hunters are coming—evade them, or prepare defenses and risk luring them in? As the Hunters, how long can you afford to press your stable of informants and arm your expedition? You know Blackbeard: he will not sit idle. His ambitions may expose him, but he is getting stronger day by day. How will you approach—a flushing strategy, or a precision strike? Be careful, as your quarry is apt to bite!

Hunt for Blackbeard pits two players against one another as hunter and hunted in a fast-moving game of detection, deception, and confrontation.

Hunt for Blackbeard is a two-player boardgame that portrays the effort in 1718 by the colony of Virginia and the Royal Navy to track down the notorious pirate Blackbeard (Edward Thatch) as he sought refuge in colonial North Carolina. It features the historical events, places, and personages involved in Blackbeard’s demise 300 years ago, and the real-world challenges of “golden-age” piracy and pirate hunting. Players. One player takes the role of Blackbeard and the other the pirate hunters. Blackbeard seeks to commit acts of piracy or to enjoy a pirate’s life while remaining free. The hunters try to discern Blackbeard’s plans to thwart his piracy. The game may end in a battle in which either the hunters capture Blackbeard or the pirate wins by seizing a hunters’ ship as his prize!

We were able to publish an interview with the designer Volko Ruhnke earlier this week and you can read that at the following link:

If you are interested in Hunt for Blackbeard, you can back the project on the Kickstarter page at the following link:

As of June 3rd, the Kickstarter campaign has raised $30,062 toward its $10,000 funding goal with 392 backers. The campaign will conclude on Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 6:30pm EDT.

2. Imperial Bayonets: Solferino 1859: For Liberty & Lombardy from Conflict Simulations Limited

My first interaction with Ray Weiss was an interview we did in December 2017 on a pre-order game coming out from Multi-Man Publishing called Rostov ’41: Fritz on the Don. That was his first design to get signed and was a very excellent addition to the Standard Combat Series from Multi-Man Publishing. Since, he has started his own company and been very busy. Later I did an interview with him covering an in-design gamed called Imperial Bayonets: Solferino 1859: For Liberty & Lombardy and that game is finally ready and should be shipping in the next few weeks.

From the game page, we read the following:

Imperial Bayonets is a new planned series of Grand Tactical wargames covering the long 19th century. The series rules use a hack of the tried and true NLB mechanics in order to simulate what as, at the time, the largest campaign since Leipzig. 1859 occupies an interesting place in military history, post Crimean war, tactics had barely improved much beyond their Napoleonic forefathers. Cavalry had been rendered nearly useless in terms of shock, and artillery still caused many casualties but infantry fire was now the single biggest cause of casualties in war, as the accuracy and range of rifles had increased tenfold in the past decade.

1859 also is notable as it features one of the last successful campaigns of Napoleon III and the French Second Empire. The French martial philosophy of Le Systeme D’ (loosely translated to ‘Muddling Through’) which doomed them to failure in 1870 against Prussia, propelled them to victory against a much lesser opponent in Austria. Fresh off their victory in the Crimea, France and Piedmont were considered two of the finest armies in the world.

For Liberty & Lombardy includes 4 stand-alone games on the major battles of the campaign, Montebello, Magenta, San Martino and Solferino.

For Liberty & Lombardy also include a campaign game which uses the Long Century Operations Series rules to simulate the entire campaign. This means you get a total of 4 battle games and 1 campaign game.

If you are interested in Imperial Bayonets: Solferino 1859: For Liberty & Lombardy, you can pre-order a copy for $119.99 from the Conflict Simulations Limited website at the following link:

3. Pipe Creek – Meade’s Last Stand Expansion for A Most Fearful Sacrifice: The Three Days of Gettysburg from Flying Pig Games

I saw this the other day on Facebook and I was immediately excited. This one is an expansion for my Wargame of the Year in 2022 A Most Fearful Sacrfice: The Three Days at Gettysburg designed by Hermann Luttmann. But this one is not by Hermann but by another designer in Claude Whalen whom we interviewed last year for his Conquering the Valley: Cross Keys/Port Republic from Tiny Battle Publishing.

One comment here. This expansion is somewhat of a what-if type look at the 2nd and 3rd days of the Battle of Gettysburg with some changes regarding Pickett’s Charge. I saw some scuttlebutt on line about this and some accusing this of being Lost Cause focused. I am going to flatly disagree here. This is not that but simply a look at what might have happened and how that could have changed things at Gettysburg. This what-if style of game really appeals to most wargamers as one of the reasons we are here playing these games is to see if we can change history. Not because we are pining for the side who lost or agree with their politics. Just my humble opinion.

From the game page, we read the following:

Pipe Creek uses a fresh method of simulating Civil War combat with the award-winning Black Swan system introduced in A Most Fearful Sacrifice (AMFS). Though only using a portion of the forces that fought at Gettysburg, Pipe Creek adds most of the cavalry that fought at the East Cavalry Field and includes some “What If” troops for the Army of Northern Virginia. Pipe Creek allows players to see what could have happened if Meade had left Gettysburg under a variety of scenarios. Two are based on the Confederate’s July 2nd attack being successful and Meade deciding to pull back to his pre-planned line. The third scenario is completely up to the players and has Meade refusing to fight at Gettysburg and making his stand at Pipe Creek with a fresh army. The fourth scenario, however, is played solely on the maps for A Most Fearful Sacrifice and allows gamers to replay Pickett’s charge, but make it significantly more powerful. Longstreet didn’t think that 15,000 men could break the Union line, but what if Lee had given him 23,300 troops! Is that enough manpower for Longstreet to be successful? Replay the In Magnificent Style scenario in A Most Fearful Sacrifice using additional the regiments supplied in Pipe Creek and find out! 

If you are interested in Pipe Creek – Meade’s Last Stand Expansion for A Most Fearful Sacrifice: The Three Days of Gettysburg, you can pre-order a copy for $50.00 from the Flying Pig Games website at the following link:

*Pipe Creek is is an expansion for A Most Fearful Sacrifice. You must own A Most Fearful Sacrifice to play Pipe Creek

4. Operation Barclay from Salt & Pepper Games Coming to Gamefound June 7th

Salt & Pepper Games has done a series of great little historical games on several different topics including Resist! designed by the triumvirate of David Thompson, Roger Tankersley and Trevor Benjamin, which is a solitaire game where the player controls the guerilla forces of the Spanish Maquis and their follow-up effort was the 2-player game The Hunt, which is an asymmetric card driven game that pits the British Royal Navy against the German Kriegsmarine in the South Atlantic led by the Graf Spee. There newest offering is called Operation Barclay and deals with the intelligence war between the Allies and their Abwehr counterparts in the Mediterranean Theater of WWII from 1942-1943. Also, the game is designed by Maurice Suckling who has done a string of very interesting and very good wargames over the past 5 years.

From the game page, we read the following:

Operation Barclay is a two-player game of low/medium complexity about the intelligence war between the Allies and their Abwehr counterparts in the Mediterranean Theater in 1942-1943.

Operation Barclay puts players in the shoes of competing military intelligence directors who are attempting to mask or learn the truth about the Allied invasion plans for 1943. The Abwehr must attempt to learn where the Allies intend to land next. The London Controlling Section (LCS), the core intelligence agency responsible for Allied intelligence, must prevent the Abwehr from discovering the truth.

We recently posted an interview with the designer Maurice Suckling and you can read that at the following link:

If you are interested in Operation Barclay, you can get more information from the Gamefound project page at the following link:

The campaign is set to release on Friday, June 7th.

5. Nuclear Destruction – A Nuclear War Card Game from Mr. B Games Currently on Kickstarter

In the category of games that probably don’t belong on this list but that hold a sentimental or nostalgic draw for wargamers is Nuclear Destruction – A Nuclear War Card Game from Mr. B Games. And I know that nuclear conflagration is not a laughing matter but this one does look pretty interesting and fun!

From the game page, we read the following:

Nuclear Destruction is the 4th release of the Ameritrash classic Nuclear War

Building on the foundation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, we’ve introduced a host of exciting enhancements to improve your gaming experience. Enjoy an array of new cards, expanded player mats, a new propaganda system, and the ability to play with up to six players, ensuring every game is packed with maximum fun. Its full-color cards are compatible with EVERY version of Nuclear War. It is designed as a stand-alone installment or to be combined with the 50th Anniversary edition for even more fun!

Invented in 1965 by Doug Malewicki, Nuclear War has seen many editions and expansions over the years. The folks at Mr. B. Games have acquired the rights and are here on Kickstarter to try to revive this classic and bring it back to print – with your help!

The components include the following:

Full-Color Rulebook: Full rules for the Nuclear Destruction Game, and it includes a comprehensive Anti-Missile chart.

6 large player aids: These 11″x17″ player aids have spaces for the launch track, population, and deterrent forces, as well as card spaces for Nuclear Escalation and Nuclear Proliferation cards (Submarine, Space Platform, and Killer Satellite)

1 Spinner: The classic Nuclear War spinner is included!

1 Nuclear Escalation Die: The Nuclear Escalation die makes a return and is included in the Nuclear Destruction card game. Take a chance and deal an extra few million population!

1x Population Deck: With enough population for up to 6 players, These are the full-color population cards from the 50th anniversary set! Put down the scissors!

1x Nuclear Destruction Deck: 110 cards of destruction! Includes all the cards from Weapons of Mass Destruction and more!

Plus anything unlocked via stretch goals!

If you are interested in Nuclear Destruction – A Nuclear War Card Game, you can back the project on the Kickstarter page at the following link:

As of June 3rd, the Kickstarter campaign has raised $42,492 toward its $15,000 funding goal with 862 backers. The campaign will conclude on Wednesday, June 26th at 5:00pm EDT.

6. Marignan 1515: la chevauchée de François Ier en Italie (Marignan 1515: The Ride of Francis I in Italy) from Serious Historical Games

In 2022, I became aware of a new French publisher called Serious Historical Games and one of the games in particular caught my eye in Nagashino 1575 & Shizugatake 1583: Battles of the Sengoku Jidai. We purchased a copy and played it and really enjoyed the system, including the combat, the gorgeous cover and the fantastic counter graphics. That same publisher has a new game up on pre-order that deals with the 5th Italian War called Marignan 1515: la chevauchée de François Ier en Italie (Marignan 1515: The Ride of Francis I in Italy).

From the game page, we read the following:

Marignan 1515: la chevauchée de François Ier en Italie (Marignan 1515: The Rde of Francis I in Italy) is the new opus of the Gold & Steel Series started with Les guerres de Bourgogne (Wars of Burgundy).

This is an historical simulation of the 5th War of Italy – July 1515 to February 1517 – featuring Marignano battle: a French victory that shapes the relationships with the Swiss confederacy for centuries in ending their supremacy on battlefields and will reach this year its 500th anniversary

One player leads the French armies and their allies (Republics of Venetia and Genoa and the other one is in command of the Swiss Confederacy and its allies – the Holly League – (Papal states, Duchy of Milano, Holly Roman Empire, Kingdom of Spain). The goal of both of them is to take control of the Duchy of Milano and Venetian territories hold by the Empire, win pitched battles or major sieges, and neutralise the opponent’s allies.

One key element of the game is collecting enough resource each turn (the Gold) to pay all the mercenarie troops (the Steel); German landsknechts and Swiss soldiers. Otherwise they will quit the battlefield… The money can be used to neutralize enemy allies as well.

This is both a strategic & tactical game with armies and garrisons evolving on the main strategic map representing Northern and Middle Italy and units fighting on a tactical map featuring a typical XVIth century battleground. Units are men-at-arms, pikemen, crossbowmen, halberdiers, harquebusiers, swords & bucklers, jinetes and stradiots (both light cavalrymen) pioneers, cannons, from 1,500 to 2,000 men at full strength, 750 to 1,000 horsemen or 100 cannons of all calibres. The specifics fighting elements of that period are added with tactical chits (rolling shots, infantry or cavalry charges, harassment, ditch, fence, clash of pikes, feint, hedgehog, cannon battery, etc.), arms combination – early Tercios – and events such as rain, snow, minor ally no fight or betrayal, no wing deployment, no money no mercenaries, Alle Freunde (all friends). Optional rule includes a hidden crossing of the Alps Mountains.

Looks quite interesting and I have a recent growing interest in these type of European medieval battles, particularly in Italy and France. Why? I don’t really know.

If you are interested in Marignan 1515: la chevauchée de François Ier en Italie (Marignan 1515: The Ride of Francis I in Italy), you can pre-order a copy for € 30 ($32.50 in US Dollars) from the Serious Historical Games website at the following link:

7. Flanks of Gettysburg from Compass Games Currently on Kickstarter

We really enjoy John Poniske’s designs and now comes another American Civil War game that actually is two games in one box. Flanks of Gettysburg consists of two, 2-player games on a company level, that simulate the two brigade sized flank attacks on Little Round Top and Culp’s Hill on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg July 2, 1863.

From the game page, we read the following:

Flanks of Gettysburg uses a chit pull system similar to John Poniske’s Ball’s Bluff and Belmont designs. Flanks of Gettysburg clocks in at three to three and a half hours per game and provides high solitaire capability. The design allows for several what-if situations and many additional optional rules to ensure replayability. Both games follow similar rules applying unique fire and movement, melee and order assignment. These are simple, rapid playing approaches to complex situations. Yes, it’s another game on Gettysburg, something John said he would never do. Then again, he believes these individual actions are worthy of individual treatment, Culp’s Hill in particular.

The battles of Culp’s Hill and Little Roundtop demonstrated Lee’s determination to attack and envelop   the Union Army of the Potomac. FOG does not attempt to recreate either grand assault in full, rather it presents the desperate three-hour finale that took place on the extreme ends in both cases These were the two instances when Lee came closest to claiming a Gettysburg breakthrough. Culp’s Hill offers the Union prepared defensive positions but the liability of having reinforcements report to General Greene before joining the line. Little Round Top introduces artillery and sharpshooters and challenges players to exit or block the exit of Rebel forces between Little and Big Round Tops.

Recently, we have explored and really enjoyed several ACW games and this one looks to be very approachable yet interesting with its approach. I have reached out to John for an interview on this one and that should be done and up on our blog by the first of November.

We published an interview with the designer John Poniske and you can read that at the following link:

If you are interested in Flanks of Gettysburg, you can back the project on the Kickstarter page at the following link:

As of June 3rd, the Kickstarter campaign has raised $12,391 toward its $2,500 funding goal with 155 backers. The campaign will conclude on Tuesday, June 4th at 10:38am EDT.

8. Mustang Leader: The WWII Air War Over Europe Solitaire Game from Dan Verssen Games Currently on Kickstarter

Over the past couple of years, we have gotten some very good additions to the Leader Series from Dan Verssen Games including Corsair Leader, Zero Leader and most recently Stuka Leader. These games were all designed by Chuck Seegert and he has tried very hard to add in new tricks and treats for each of the games to differentiate them from the others in the series.

His newest addition to the series is called Mustang Leader. This game uses the established system but that doesn’t mean that nothing new or innovative has been added. This game also expands additional aspects of American operations such as Range, wounds, and bail outs. There is a brand-new campaign sheet and redesigned tactical display, which will present a different feel to the well-established Leader Series gameplay.

From the game page, we read the following:

Mustang Leader is based on Zero Leader and Stuka Leader, expanding gameplay from the previous games. You are in command of an American Fighter squadron in Europe during World War Two, with aircraft including the P-38 Lightning, P-47 Thunderbolt and of course, the very famous P-51 Mustang.

You will need to select the right mix of pilots and aircraft under your command in order to carry out the different types of missions. Each Pilot has his own strengths and weakness represented. Each aircraft has its advantages and disadvantages.

This game also expands additional aspects of American operations such as Range, wounds, and bail outs. There is a brand-new campaign sheet and redesigned tactical display, which will present a different feel to the well-established Leader gameplay.

The game also offers several different expansions to add to the base game including 2 Pacific Theater expansions (Pacific Theater #1 1942-1943 and Pacific Theater #2 1944-1945), a North Africa expansion, a Tuskegee Airman expansion and an Aces expansion.

If you are interested in Mustang Leader: The WWII Air War Over Europe Solitaire Game, you can back the project on the Kickstarter page at the following link:

As of June 3rd, the Kickstarter campaign has raised $49,382 toward its $20,000 funding goal with 256 backers. The campaign will conclude on Wednesday, June 12th at 3:00pm EDT.

9. Founders of Reyvick from GMT Games

I actually really enjoy science fiction games, and particularly sci-fi games that focus on economy and the development of a revenue stream. One of my most favorite such games is Space Empires 4X from GMT Games as it has a good mix of economic, development, exploration and combat as you build bigger and better capital ships to attack your enemies. This new game Founders of Reyvick is set in the same universe as John Butterfield’s Away Team, and really looks interesting and intrigues me deeply. It doesn’t appear to really have any of the combat or ship to ship stuff but it does focus on the building or an economy and has a very cool setting. And it is designed by a great designer in Richard Garfield who is credited with the creation of Magic: The Gathering, a game that I played a lot in my younger days and spent a ton of money on collecting.

From the game page, we read the following:

Richard Garfield’s Founders of Reyvick is a 3-5 player economic game of speculation and competition on the newly settled world of Reyvick. Each player controls a company just starting out on the planet and attempting to amass the most wealth and craft the greatest legacy. Players deploy their Partners to collect resources from their assets and complete projects furthering research, exploration, and building across the planet. At the end of the game, the player with the greatest combination of wealth, assets, and projects wins the game. Founders of Reyvick is set in the dynamic and exciting Away Team universe, created by John Butterfield.

A game of Founders of Reyvick revolves around assets. Assets include the districts on Reyvick as well as Special Assets that are different in each game. During the game, companies compete to own these assets and take advantage of the resources and revenue that they provide, while maximizing their profit by buying low and selling high. Each game round begins by resolving a draw of Event tiles. Most tiles place new population, resources like Flora and Fauna research, or Unobtanium into the various districts of Reyvick, but some Events present setbacks for companies to manage.

The promise of rich resources have drawn many to Reyvick, but the economic climate there is unique. Unlike other planets, Reyvick’s Ruling Council uses a radical approach to managing the many companies seeking profits on Reyvick. Every game round, each player must set the price at which they would be willing to sell each of their assets to another player. Players are then obliged to respect their own valuation, so the price must be chosen carefully; if you set it too low, someone else will take over your asset and make a profit, but at the end of the turn you must pay taxes on the price you’ve set on every asset, so you also don’t want to set it too high.

Once prices are set, the Council distributes whatever taxes were collected in the previous turn. Some portion of those taxes will go to funding public projects, which are placed in districts for the welfare of its citizens—and companies—while the rest is distributed to players. Rights to the resources and profits from a District or Special Asset are always for sale; any company can buy them by paying the price set by the current owner. And every asset on Reyvick has a price!

Once you purchase an asset, you must immediately set the price as at the beginning of the turn. You can set it to any amount that is higher than what you paid, but beware! The Council will tax you based on what you claim your assets are worth. And those taxes are distributed as incentives in a public/private partnership, so your tax money can end up benefiting your competition!

The game also uses cards and the art on these is really great!

There is a lot to unpack here but I am definitely going to do some further investigations to get a better idea of what the game is about. I thought it was interesting that the game is supposedly based on the economic theories of Nobel Prize Winning economist William Vickrey, as well as the writings of Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, especially their book Radical Markets. I am also going to reach out to Richard Garfield for an interview. Stay tuned!

If you are interested in Founders of Reyvick, you can pre-order a copy for $60.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link:

10. Battles of the American Revolution Volume XI: The Battle of Green Spring from GMT Games

In our travels to several gaming conventions over the years we have made some great friends, which include gamers, designers, publishers, other content creators, etc. While attending the World Boardgaming Championships a few years ago, we had the chance to interview Mark Miklos who is the creator of the Battles of the American Revolution (BoAR) Series. We also got to include in this video his development team including Rob “Cappy” McCracken and Dave Stiffler. We discussed the series in general, the newest upcoming volume at that time Battle of White Plains as well as the new upcoming Small BoAR Series which will focus on smaller lesser known battles. I am really glad to see these games rolling out and the interest still being strong after 11 full volumes. This month, we got news that the new 11th volume is coming, which focuses on the Battle of Green Spring in 1781 as a prelude to the final battle at Yorktown that ended the revolution and forced the British to surrender while playing The World Turned Upside Down!

From the game page, we read the following:

The Battle of Green Spring (aka The Battle of Green Spring Plantation, The Battle of Green Spring Farm, or “The Affair Near James Island”) was the largest field battle fought in Virginia during the American Revolution with over 10,000 combatants on the field or in proximity to it. In addition to being noteworthy for its scope, this battle was Lord Cornwallis’s final victory in North America and served as the immediate precursor to the Siege of Yorktown. According to British Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton and others, the outcome at Green Spring directly influenced the forces available to the protagonists at Yorktown, and as such, Green Spring played a direct role in Yorktown’s eventual outcome.

British Lieutenant General, the Earl Cornwallis displayed tactical finesse while luring American Major General, the Marquis de Lafayette, whom he pejoratively referred to as “that boy,” into a trap. While Cornwallis was subtle, American Brigadier General “Mad” Anthony Wayne was bold, displaying the kind of dash and élan for which his name had by now became synonymous, staving-off disaster for the Americans with a desperate Bayonet charge.

For all these reasons, the Battle of Green Spring deserves more than the footnotes it typically receives in most histories. Volume XI in GMT’s Battles of the American Revolution series sheds light on this important action and allows the hobbyist and historian the opportunity to fully appreciate its significance.

So as you can see this one is a “donny brook” with large armies engaged in a prolonged battle that lasts 13 game turns. This might be one of the longer volumes in the series but never fear there are smaller scenarios included.

The game includes three scenarios:

  • The standard game lasts 8-turns. The British begin in their historical deployments while only that portion of the American army committed by Lafayette approaches and deploys. Depending on card-play, this scenario may be extended one turn into night.
  • There is a short historical scenario lasting 4 turns and involving just those units that actually engaged in the late afternoon and twilight hours of July 6, 1781. Players familiar with the series will find this scenario reminiscent of the Freeman’s Farm scenario in Saratoga or the Chatterton Hill scenario in The Battle of White Plains for its nail-biting tension where both sides can ill-afford losses and victory can turn on a half-victory point on the last half-turn of the scenario.
  • A 13-turn campaign game gives players access to the full array of both armies as they approach the battlefield in a meeting engagement. Cornwallis and the British are in-route from Williamsburg to Jamestown Ferry, as they were historically. During the actual campaign, General Lafayette shadowed the British at a distance and therefore was only able to commit piecemeal forces at Green Spring. In the campaign game, however, Lafayette assumes a bolder strategy by pursuing the British more closely, ready to fully commit his army in a bid to defeat Cornwallis.

We definitely will want to play this one and I also want to get with Mark Miklos to do a written interview. Also, I will be attending WBC in July by myself as Alexander is out of the country, and I am going to see if I can get a look at this one as well as possibly play a game with Mark and his design team.

If you are interested in Battles of the American Revolution Volume XI: The Battle of Green Spring, you can pre-order a copy for $44.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link:

11. Wargames According to Mark from GMT Games

I know that Mark Herman is a very talented designer and has a great ability to communicate in writing his thoughts and ideas about wargaming. He has written dozens of articles for wargaming publications including C3i Magazine and many others, and these are also very interesting and helpful to use gamers. So it is not really all that surprising that Mark is now writing a full book and it is being offered on the P500. The book is called Wargames According to Mark and in my humble opinion will be a must read! Just imagine being able to pick his brain about his designs, his approach and the choices that he makes. This is going to be epic!

From the P500 page, we read the following:

Mark Herman’s new book is on our P500 list now! As many of you know, Mark Herman is a giant in the wargaming hobby. Over his long and distinguished career as a game designer, Mark designed signature games for SPI, Victory Games, and with us here at GMT. Mark learned his craft beside Jim Dunnigan and so many talented designers at SPI before later running the company that created so many of my favorite games ever, Victory Games.

Beginning in 1991, he brought his design talents to GMT, often paired with his dear friend, Richard Berg. For over 30 years now of working with our teams, Mark has continually pushed the creative envelope in the wargame and strategy game spaces to create a succession of fun, ground-breaking, and award-winning designs like For the PeopleThe Great Battles of Alexander and SPQR (and the entire Great Battles of History Series), Empire of the SunChurchill, and Fire in the Lake (with Volko).

Mark is so much more than a designer to me. He is my friend. And he’s someone who has been hugely influential to me in the learning and growing process of running a wargame company over these 34 years. Often, even today, when I have a difficult decision to make, I’ll give Mark a call and ask for his counsel. His sage advice is always more than worth my time.

All that to say this: when someone as talented, experienced, and accomplished in our industry as Mark Herman writes a book about game design that tells stories about his experiences over a 45+ year career in our industry, that’s a book I’m going to read. When that author then asks me if GMT would publish it with him, there’s just no way I am going to say no. So, I’m thrilled that today we are adding a book to our P500 list for the first time! It’s so fitting, because of the many ways that his presence, talents, and leadership advice have graced GMT over the years, that our first-ever P500 book should be from Mark Herman.

Now I will just have to put a few rulebooks down to spend some time with this one but it will definitely be worth the time!

If you are interested in Wargames According to Mark, you can pre-order a copy for $35.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link:

12. Empire of the Sun: The Pacific War, 1941-1945, 5th Printing from GMT Games

If you have followed us for long you know that we really love Empire of the Sun and have played it several times. The game is simply fantastic and really implements the CDG mechanic perfectly with the events of the Pacific Campaign of World War II. Furthermore, if a game is on its 5th Printing now especially with the 4th Printing having been announced at the end of 2020, that says something about it.

From the game page we read the following:

Empire of the Sun is Mark Herman’s third card driven design since he introduced the system to the hobby in We The PeopleEotS is a strategic level look at the entire War in the Pacific from the attack on Pearl Harbor until the surrender of Japan. EotS is the first card driven game (CDG) to move the system closer to a classic hexagon wargame, while retaining all of the tension and uncertainty people have come to expect from a CDG. Players are cast in the role of MacArthur, Yamamoto, Nimitz, and Mountbatten as you direct your forces across the breadth of the globe from India to Hawaii and from Alaska to Australia. This is represented on a single map based on a 1942 equal area projection of the entire theater of conflict.

As in other games using the CDG system, players try to maximize the impact of their cards even as they hide their intentions and traps from their opponent. The player is faced with a wide set of clear strategic choices. The focus of EotS is on directing major offensive axes of advance. The Japanese early in the game are challenged to achieve their historical expansion as Allied forces battle the clock to react with their in-place forces trying to achieve maximum damage to the hard-to-replace Japanese veteran units.

If you don’t have this one, you need to get it now. Not only is the price right but the game is simply amazing. And it will be in a near perfect form with the 5th Printing.

We have lots of content on our blog and channel for you to choose from but here are a few of those pieces.

A Brief Introduction to Empire of the Sun by GMT Games

Empire of the Sun Rules & Tactics Intro: Zones of Influence

Empire of the Sun Rules & Tactics Intro: Strategy Cards

Empire of the Sun Rules & Tactics Intro: Air Naval Combat

Empire of the Sun – Basic Training Episode 1 – Card Anatomy Video:

Empire of the Sun – Basic Training Episode 2 – Counter Anatomy Video:

If you are interested in Empire of the Sun: The Pacific War, 1941-1945, 5th Printing, you can pre-order a copy for $56.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link:

13. 2GM Tactics: France and Total War Expansions from Draco Ideas Coming to Kickstarter June 4th

As we have said before, tactical wargames are always a favorite of ours. Draco Ideas has this very interesting looking tactical system called 2GM Tactics. They are doing a new Kickstarter to add a few expansions to the system including France and Total War.

From the game page, we read the following:

2GM Tactics is a full-fledged strategy card war-game where units are represented by cards and you’ll be in command of your army. You’ll have to build your deck to achieve the goals you’ve been tasked for. Gear up your troops for the battle; deploy all type of units: armor, artillery and transport units; request air support and deceive your enemy. Lead Patton or Rommel to the final victory; seize buildings; destroy your enemy and conquer the battlefield! Play historical scenarios: go ashore in Normandy, defend Monte Cassino or dig in the Ardennes!

You can play 2GM TWG in two ways. You can play a “Battle Royal” – players will establish a number of points, they will set up the battlefield prior commencing the battle and the goal is to destroy your opponent’s Head Quarter; or you can play a “Scenario” – historical or not – with a predefined set of rules to deploy units and the terrain, and pre-established conditions of victory.

The France and Total War Expansions both expand on this tactical system by adding new armies, new units and new support cards.

If you are interested in 2GM Tactics: France and Total War Expansions, you can back the project on the Kickstarter page at the following link:

The campaign is set to launch on Tuesday, June 4th.

14. Burning Banners: Rage of the Witch Queen Reprint from Compass Games

While attending WBC in July 2022, we met up with a new designer named Christopher Moeller and discussed a few of his games, one called Brothers at War: 1862 from Compass Games, which has since been published and we played and reviewed the game, and another that he was still working on at the time called Burning BannersBurning Banners had a successful Kickstarter in 2023 and was almost immediately sold out once it hit retail earlier this year. They have recently announced a reprinting of the game and you can pre-order that on the Compass Games website. The game is a fantasy wargame that includes cards, special abilities and lots of scenarios for players to explore.

From the game page, we read the following:

Burning Banners: Rage of the Witch Queen is a fantasy campaign board game for two to six players. Fast-playing and intuitive, a whopping 29 scenarios range from short campaigns with 2 Kingdoms and one map to the entire 12-year war, in which 6 kingdoms battle over four hand-drawn, mounted map boards!

The rules include a quick-playing Basic Game to get your group into the action, as well as an Advanced Game to level up your challenge with Magic, Heroes, Monsters, and more! March 1” Armies and Heroes through huge, lovingly-detailed hexes as you explore the immersive world designed and illustrated by acclaimed fantasy artist Christopher Moeller. The wait is over!

The game is also beautifully illustrated and the hand drawn maps are truly special.

We published an interview with the designer Christopher Moeller and you can read that at the following link:

I am also working on a written First Impressions post and we have already shot a First Impressions video but it has not been loaded onto the channel yet but we definitely want to get the game back to the table.

Here are my thoughts shared in the Day 3 Debrief Series for Buckeye Game Fest where we were able to play a 4-player game:

If you are interested in Burning Banners: Rage of the Witch Queen Reprint from Compass Games, you can pre-order a copy for $109.00 from the Compass Games website at the following link:

The game is slated to ship in June so get your order in quickly or you will miss this reduced pre-order price.

15. One Hour World War II from Worthington Publishing Currently on Kickstarter

Bursting on the scene over the past couple of years, Clint Warren-Davey is a new designer who has jumped in with both feet. His first design is called Werwolf: Insurgency in Occupied Germany, 1945-1948 from Legion Wargames and is a COIN Series inspired card assisted game about a what if scenario where the Werwolf Insurgency wreaks havoc over the final few years of World War II and continues their struggle even after the surrender of the Third Reich into the Post WWII era. He has also dabbled with a few other designs but the one that is ready at this point is an interesting looking game called One Hour WWII that is currently on Kickstarter from Worthington Publishing.

From the game page, we read the following:

One Hour World War II is intended to be what it says on the box – the whole Second World War crammed into an hour of play time. It is a strategic level game for 2 to 5 players.

Featuring a series of Actions and Responses from 2 to 5 players stay engaged with little or no down time.

Anyone who is a fan of Axis & Allies or Twilight Struggle or similar strategic level World War II games will definitely enjoy One Hour World War II.

We posted an interview with the designer and you can read that on the blog at the following link:

If you are interested in One Hour World War II, you can back the project on the Kickstarter page at the following link:

As of June 3rd, the Kickstarter campaign has raised $17,040 toward its $1,941 funding goal with 184 backers. The campaign will conclude on Wednesday, June 15th at 4:00pm EDT.

New Release

1. 1812 – Napoleon’s Fateful March from VUCA Simulations

This game simply looks amazing, based on the limited information available and I know that Brian Asklev is a pretty sharp designer as he worked with us on a series of Event Card Spoilers for his upcoming game Baltic Empires: The Northern Wars of 1558-1721 from GMT Games. His new game is a Napoleonics game called 1812 – Napoleon’s Fateful March and it is ready to ship this month.

From the game page, we read the following:

1812: Most of Europe is under Napoleon´s control, and Napoleon is poised to invade Russia and force them to comply with his Continental System and block British trade. In the face of overwhelming force, the Tsar reluctantly decide to fall back and adopt a scorched earth strategy. Faced by an elusive foe, the French were forced into advancing ever deeper into Russia and all the way to Moscow itself, even though their logistic
system was falling apart under the strain. The infamous retreat back from Moscow was the culmination of the campaign and the turning point of the Napoleonic Wars. Will
Napoleon and the hitherto undefeated Grande Armeé crush the Russian army and capture Moscow, or will they be punished for their hubris in the vast expanses of Russia?

1812 – The Fateful March is a 2-player game that simulates Napoleons invasion of Russia at the operational level. It is an easy to play card-driven system that utilizes secret order placement which ensures constant tension and little to no downtime. As befits the historical campaign, the game features a strong focus on logistic planning and march attrition with a set of simple but highly narrative mechanics.

We love CDG’s and VUCA has done several great Operational Level wargames recently such as Donnerschlag: Escape from Stalingrad and Traces of War. This game has some very interesting looking mechanics such as hidden orders and a focus on supply. I recently received an early copy and have done an unboxing video that should be up on the YouTube Channel in the next month or so.

We also recently posted a designer interview with Brian Asklev and you can read that at the following link:

If you are interested in 1812 – Napoleon’s Fateful March, you can order a copy for $89.00 from the VUCA Simulations website at the following link:

2. Traces of Hubris from VUCA Simulations

If you haven’t noticed VUCA Simulations and their fantastic lineup of wargames, then you really need to put your phone/computer down and go check out their great looking games. Well, on 2nd thought you will need your phone/computer to go check out their site so just get off whatever site you are on right now (hopefully either or our YouTube Channel) and do it. You will thank me later I promise. We have played several of their games to date with the most recent being Traces of War, which is a fantastic low complexity hex and counter wargame that is in the same system as the famous Red Box Series from Multi-Man Publishing.

The newest offering in this series is again designed by Tetsuya Nakamura called Traces of Hubris and it looks amazing!

From the game page, we read the following:

Traces of Hubris is a two-player game that simulates the German Case Blue (Fall Blau) summer offensive in southern Russia during the second half of 1942. The goal was to “cut off” the Volga at Stalingrad and to capture the Caucasus oil fields.

The Axis player must eliminate the Soviet forces and break their defense lines in order to reach his objectives. The Soviet player must do everything to defend the homeland, and hold until he gets a chance to strike back.

Traces of War was just so very good and I am eagerly anticipating this one and cannot wait to give it a go. This Fierce Fight Series is highly playable and has a lot of great meat on its bones without a lot of overcomplicated rules overhead.

If you are interested in Traces of Hubris, you can order a copy for $78.00 from the VUCA Simulations website at the following link:

3. Polar Storm: The Petsamo – Kirkenes Operation, October 1944 from Three Crowns Games

A few months ago, actually in mid-2023, I came across a great looking little game publisher in Three Crowns Games and their at the time new game Iskra: Spark of Victory. We did an interview with the designer of that game Stefan Ekström and the product was really a great looking little game. They now have a whole gaggle of new offerings and several of them are now ready for retail. The first one I will share is Polar Storm: The Petsamo – Kirkenes Operation, October 1944 designed by Stefan Ekstöm and Jan Larsson.

From the game page, we read the following:

In October 1944, the Soviet 14th Army under General Meretskov launched the Petsamo and Kirkenes operation called the “Tenth Shock” by Stalin. Its aim was to throw the Germans out of northern Finland, an area of strategic importance for both its sea bases and for the nickel mines of Kolosjoki (today named Nikel). Following the Finnish capitulation in September 1944, preparations were already underway for General Jodl´s XIX Gebirgs-Korps to retreat into northern Norway; however, its fate hung in the balance when Meretskov launched his attack.

The highly capable General Rendulic, who served as both head of the 20th Mountain Army and overall theatre commander, was well aware of the threat posed by the upcoming offensive, not least the possibility of irreplaceable forces being cut off. Complicating matters was Hitler’s strict order for the supplies in Petsamo to be evacuated before the port was abandoned. The Germans faced a race between being cut off by the advancing Soviets, evacuating the port supplies and maintaining a coherent front line to avoid the controlled retreat turning into a rout.

The game rules have been developed from the Stargard Solstice game, which was released in 2021, making it the 7th game in the WWII Battle Series, which uses a chit-pull mechanic for activation.
These games are very well put together and really look great on the table.

If you are interested in Polar Storm: The Petsamo – Kirkenes Operation, October 1944, you can order a copy for 43,50 € ($46.00 in US Dollars) from the Three Crowns Games website at the following link:

4. Dance of War: First Battle of El-Alamein 1942 from Three Crowns Games

The next game that looks interesting from Three Crowns Games is Dance of War: First Battle of El-Alamein, 1942. This one is focused on the Desert War in North Africa during WWII. And you know how we feel about the desert!

From the game page, we read the following:

With the fall of Mersa Matruh only days earlier, the game starts on July 1st 1942 with the leading elements of Panzerarmee Afrika catching up with the retreating forces of the British 8th Army near the rail station at El Alamein. Rommel believed one more successful attack would see the 8th Army broken and fleeing for the Nile Delta.  

Dance Of War is a game recreating the first Battle of El-Alamein, 1942.

Not much additional information on the game aside from the components including:

• One A1 map

• 286 15mm counters and markers

• 16 page rulebook

• Two Player Aid Cards (PAC) A4 containing most of the Charts and Tables.

If you are interested in Dance of War: First Battle of El-Alamein 1942, you can order a copy for 43,50 € ($46.00 in US Dollars) from the Three Crowns Games website at the following link:

5. Blood and Oil: The 1985 Persian Gulf Tanker War from High Flying Dice Games

Small format wargames on lesser games subjects are always welcome at my table. High Flying Dice Games seems to specialize in these type of games and this month they have a very interesting looking game on a very different subject. Blood and Oil: The 1985 Persian Gulf Tanker War is about the Iraq-Iran War where Iraq targeted Iranian oil shipping.

From the game page, we read the following:

January 1985 marked over four years of bloody war between Iraq and Iran. The previous year Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq, initiated a new campaign in the war with Iran by having his air force target the Iranian Kharg Island oil installations and any shipping caught loading there. Saddam realized that if Iran’s ability to sell oil was successfully brought under attack, that nation’s ability to wage war would be severely impacted. In response, Iran constructed a floating terminal at Sirri Island that was beyond the range of Iraqi warplanes. Iranian tankers ferried oil from Kharg Island to Sirri where the Iranian oil could then be safely off-loaded. What ensued was an escalating war in the Persian Gulf in which Iraqi warplanes targeted any vessel suspected of heading for any of Iran’s ports, and similar efforts by Iran’s warplanes, ships and Pasdaran militia attack boats targeting ships they believed were heading for Iraq and ports in Arab nations sympathetic to their enemy. 1985 promised to be a year in which the violence of the growing “Tanker War” could spread throughout the region and threaten the economies of nations all over the globe.

In Blood and Oil players take on the roles of the leaders of the Iran and Iraq military forces fighting the 1985 Tanker War in a moderate complexity level wargame. Can you do as well or better than your historical counterpart?

If you are interested in Blood and Oil: The 1985 Persian Gulf Tanker War, you can order a copy for $18.95 from the High Flying Dice Games website at the following link:

6. SPARTA! Struggle for Greece from Plague Island Games

We have now played 2 of Kris Van Beurden’s games and enjoyed each of them starting with Europe in Turmoil and most recently Barbarians at the Gates. He is a very thoughtful and proficient designer and really knows a thing or two about CDG’s. His most recent project is also a CDG and tackles the Peloponnesian Wars with fights between the Spartans and Athenians and their allies for control of Greece. This game is aptly named SPARTA! Struggle for Greece and is now available in retail after a successful Kickstarter in September 2022.

From the game page, we read the following:

In SPARTA!: Struggle for Greece command Athenians or Spartans in a battle to rule the Greek world. To achieve dominance, control valuable regions that grant unique benefits – be it the wealth of Sicily, the fleets of Corinth, or alliances with larger cities like Thebes or Syracuse to provide fresh recruits. You might even rally the Persians and Macedonians to your side.

The really interesting part of this game is that it is about area control, but not just of regions, but also of various potential allies scattered throughout the Mediterranean who will provide support with troops or sometimes coin to the player who controls them. SPARTA! is for 1-2 players but does have a dedicated SOLO bot included and the game plays in 2-3 hours. It also has great looking miniatures included representing the forces of each side.

We posted an interview with the designer and you can read that at the following link:

We also played the game and did a preview video and you can check that out at the following link:

If you are interested in SPARTA!: Struggle for Greece, you can order a Standard Edition copy for £75.00 ($95.00 US Dollars) or a Deluxe Edition copy for £100.00 ($127.00 US Dollars) from the Plague Island Games website at the following link:

7. Overflight! A Solitaire Cold War Game from Historic Wings and Blue Panther

This is one of those 2 for 1 entries as the game rules for Overflight! A Solitaire Cold War Game have to be purchased from Amazon but the upgraded components, including a cool U2 Spy Plane standee, are available from Blue Panther. Thomas Van Hare has designed several of these solitaire book wargames recently and they have been well received by the solitaire community. In fact, Alexander and I recently purchased several of these games including Overflight!, Tally-Ho! and SOE Lysander. But we also sprung for the upgraded components from Blue Panther for the games and they are well worth the price.

From the game page, we read the following:

Overflight! is a book-based wargame where you play the part of the CIA’s U-2 Program Director as your pilots fly missions over the Soviet Union and East Bloc. The events in the wargame take place between 1956 and 1960. You greatest assets are the U-2’s you have (often called the “Angel” or “Dragon Lady”) and your CIA pilots, all of whom have been “sheep-dipped”. On paper at least, they are civilians, though in reality, they are all highly-trained military professionals.

The future of the Free World is at stake and President Dwight D. Eisenhower stands by as your pilots prepare to for the next mission. As always, they will fly “above 65,000 feet”. Your flight plans may take you to Tyuratam, which was the Soviet Union’s ballistic missile test site, or to Aralsk-7 and City-40, their biological weapons centers, or elsewhere. Just as in history, you may even have the chance to fly over Moscow and photograph the Kremlin.

As with all wargame books from Historic Wings, be ready for a deep dive into history. By combining the best features of a wargame with the learning content of history books — yet distilled into easy-to-digest segments — you’ll learn a lot as you fly. You will put yourself into the shoes of the CIA Director and the CIA pilots who undertook one of America’s most successful and dangerous covert operations of the Cold War. The decisions are yours to make, not merely dry reading for a rainy day.

To win, you must fly the full range of historic missions as assigned to the CIA, right to the bitter end and beyond, without losing a single U-2 and its pilot to the Soviets. Your pilots will fly in Operation KNIFE, Operation TIME STEP, and Operation GRAND SLAM, the very flight where the Soviets shot down Francis Gary Powers on 1 May 1960 — perhaps you can do better?

If you are interested in Overflight! A Solitaire Cold War Game, you can order a copy of the game rules for $34.95 from Amazon at the following link:

Then, if you are so inclined, you can purchase the upgraded components for $45.00 from the Blue Panther website at the following link:

8. Schutztruppe, Heia Safari, 1914-1918 from Compass Games

In the category of delicious looking game and subject matter is the newest offering from Compass Games called Schutztruppe, Heia Safari, 1914-18 designed by Dennis Bishop. This recently ran a successful Kickstarter campaign (that I backed I might add!) and is ready to hit retail. The game covers the East Africa guerilla warfare fought during WWI.

From the game page, we read the following:

Schutztruppe, Heia Safari, 1914-18 delivers an intriguing and detailed look at the East African Guerrilla war, 1914-1918. This is a moderate complexity wargame with detailed naval and supply rules, and a map and order of battle representing the authoritative treatment of the campaign. The overall game presentation is enhanced with a mounted game map and larger 9/16″ counters.

“Heia, heia Safari!” was a call which for four years echoed throughout East Africa. With this call the officers of the Schutztruppe in German East Africa rallied and encouraged their askari in the defense of their country during the First World War. This small force, whose strength never exceeded 3,000 white and 12,000 black soldiers (askari), was opposed by some 300,000 men (150,000 at any one time), comprising British, Indian, Rhodesian, Nigerian, Gold Coast, South African, Belgian and Portuguese troops. Led by Major-General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, the Schutztruppe fought within its own home territory for the first three years of the war. During the final year von Lettow-Vorbeck transferred his resistance to Portuguese East Africa and trekked south to within 60 km of Quelimane. He reappeared in Northern Rhodesia in November, 1918, and that is where news of the general armistice that ended the war reached him.

With more than 20 published designs including many on relatively obscure topics, Dennis Bishop delivers a compelling game experience and intriguing look at the East African Guerrilla war, 1914-1918. Forces represent the German, British, South African, Portuguese, and Belgian combatants. Special rules provide a game that is highly-playable yet rich in historical detail featuring weather effects, supply and supply depots, replacements, provisional reinforcements, rail movement, naval transport, naval battle, amphibious assault, aircraft, blockade runners, garrisons, German retreat movement, Allied ambush, infiltration movement, land and naval reaction, artillery bombardment, and more.

If you are interested in Schutztruppe, Heia Safari, 1914-18, you can order a copy for $57.00 at the Compass Games website at the following link:

9. Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich Mounted Map + 3″ Box 2nd Printing from GMT Games

When Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich, 1942-1945 was announced a few years ago, I was immediately interested because the game was a strategic level wargame and looked to me to be similar in scope and scale to one of my other favorite games covering WWII at the strategic level in Unconditional Surrender!. As I started to do a bit more research on the game and look into it, I realized it was a collaboration between 2 really great designers in the late Chad Jensen and the great John Butterfield, and I was very much anticipating the game. I also saw where the game has the players not only handling one of the opposing Allied sides including the Western Allies and the Soviets but also has each control the opposite defending German army as well.

One other thing of note is the fact that GMT is offering another opportunity to get mounted maps + the 3″ box for Downfall. These are now in the warehouse and are planning to be shipped in mid to late June. So, if you want the mounted maps +  3″ box 2nd Printing item for your copy of Downfall (sold separately), you better get on it! 

We played the game in early January and just had a blast. This one very much felt like a game. What I mean by that is that there is a lot of luck in your Event Card draws, in your Action Card draws and in how your opponent is doing. At times you feel like you have it all under control, only to see things change immediately and you are now on your back foot. This is very much a game. Lots to do. Lots to think about. Never forgets, in the end it’s a game. And that is a good thing.

We absolutely had a blast playing Downfall! We played the Overlord Scenario, which begins in Turn 4 and lasts until Turn 8 and we played a full 3 turns ending the game in the latter part of Turn 7. At that point, Alexander conceded as I had a 2 VP lead and had really locked him up in France and Italy and he saw little opportunity to gain back those 2 VP’s. I desperately want to play again and really look forward to that opportunity.

Here is a link to our First Impression post on the game:

If you are interested in Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich Mounted Map + 3″ Box 2nd Printing, you had better hurry up and order it now as they will be shipping in mid to late June and I am not sure how many extra copies they have ordered. You can order from the GMT Games website at the following link:

10. I, Napoleon from GMT Games

I know that Ted Raicer is known for Paths of Glory and his fantastic Operational Level Dark Series including The Dark Valley: East Front Campaign, 1941-45The Dark Sands: War in North Africa, 1940-42 and The Dark Summer: Normandy, 1944 but this game is a new concept from him in an historical roleplaying game where the player takes on the role of a young Napoleon and makes choices about his life that lead him to his ultimate end or victory at Waterloo. I, Napoleon was announced on the P500 a few years ago and is finally ready for purchase.

From the game page, we read the following:

I, Napoleon is a solitaire historical role-playing card game in which you step into the boots of Captain Bonaparte (as he still was) in the year 1793. Louis XVI has just gone to the guillotine, the brothers Robespierre control the destiny of France, and all Europe has joined French Royalists to take down France, end the Revolution, and restore peace and safety for the hereditary principles that have underlain society for 1,000 years.

As an ambitious but unknown young artillery officer, who speaks French with a Corsican accent, you would seem to be an unlikely agent of destiny. Can you harness a brilliant mind, titanic energies, and a sometimes terrifying charisma to leave your mark on history? Or will you die a minor footnote in the story of France?


In I, Napoleon, your fate lies in 220 beautifully illustrated cards, divided into three decks: Commander, First Consul, and Emperor. Overlaying a map of early 19th Century Europe are a series of Card Boxes, where you play out the events of your life and career, along with various tracks and tables to record the yearly passage of time and the events affecting yourself and France. The choices you make with the cards you are dealt will determine success or failure. You will have to manage politics, military campaigns, diplomacy, and the domestic well-being of the French while pursuing the Glory that lures you on. You will also have to manage your family, your wives, your mistresses, and your children, legitimate and otherwise.

Your path may lead you from the Americas to the Near East, from Spain to Russia, from a throne to exile. You will be the target of assassins, coups, and coalitions. You will deal with bad harvests and plague, face Wellington and Nelson, Kutuzov and Blucher. You will rely on—and perhaps be betrayed by—the slippery Talleyrand and unleash the secret policemen Fouche on your opponents. As you progress, your options will increase, along with the stakes.

Lead your men into battle and risk an early end to your life? Sail to Egypt or Ireland? Sell Louisiana or send an army to hold it? Marry a Habsburg or a Romanov? Create the Duchy of Warsaw or revive the Kingdom of Poland? Invade Russia or try to pacify the Tsar? Every choice will affect your legacy.

But there is not one version of a life here, but many. Every game will provide a different narrative, based on both luck of the draw and the decisions you make. In addition, you can start the game as a Commander, as First Consul, or as Emperor, each with its own starting situation and challenges. The story is yours to discover, and the decisions you make may just change the course of history.

We also published an interview with the designer and you can read that at the following link:

If you are interested in I, Napoleon, you can order a copy for the P500 price of $49.00 (regular price of $70.00) from the GMT Games website at the following link:

11. Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598, 2nd Printing from GMT Games

We absolutely love to get together with people and play these really large and long wargames. Over the past few years, we have done this several times playing such games as CataclysmA Second World WarGenesis: Empires and Kingdoms of the Ancient Middle EastHere I Stand: Wars of the Reformation 1517-1555Twilight ImperiumWar Room and most recently Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598. There is really something to be said about a massive 6-player wargame being the penultimate achievement of wargaming. It is absolutely a thrilling experience to play these large games with maximum player count to understand and have the experience that the designers wanted us to have with it. It absolutely though doesn’t mean that these games cannot be played 2-player, as we have done with all of them due to necessity. They just seem to shine when there are 6 wargamers around the table struggling with the massiveness of the experience, and learning their own faction while trying desperately to accomplish things which will help them win the game.

Virgin Queen is a follow-up to Here I Stand and is a card driven wargame that looks at the Wars of Religion from after the Reformation to the end of the century and deals with the military, political and religious conflicts within Europe during the reigns of Elizabeth I of England and Philip II of Spain. As the game is card driven each of the various cards serves multiple purposes. Each card has a command point (CP) value in the top left corner which can be spent to take a variety of tasks available to your power, and an event which can be used in lieu of the CP. Cards labelled combat can be used in a fight, and cards labelled response can generally be used at any time with certain conditions that must exist in order to play. The other cool thing about each power is that they have what is referred to as 2 Home Cards and players will have to decide each turn which one they want to keep depending on their strategy for that round. This game is somewhat different than its predecessor in the series, but overall has the same method of how cards are used, generally the same type of victory conditions and the same mechanics in regard to movement, combat and siege. In fact, well over half of the rulebook is identical and really made picking this game up fairly easy as all were familiar with the concepts and mechanics. Where it feels different is that there is a larger focus on outside opportunities for VP, including arranged marriages between nations, the expansion of the New World exploration and colonization concept and the new ability for patronage of the Arts and Sciences for abilities and victory points. There is some sentiment out there that these additional opportunities create complexity and somewhat distract from the focus of the game. 

From the game page, we read the following:

Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598 is a game of grand strategy for two to six players based on the military, political and religious conflicts within Europe during the reigns of Elizabeth I of England and Philip II of Spain. Each player controls one or more of the major powers that presided over European politics in that day. Spain is the juggernaut, able to draw upon the vast riches of their global empire. But such a dominant power is sure to have many enemies. The Ottoman expansion towards Spain’s Mediterranean outposts remains unchecked. Elizabeth’s English sea dogs are poised to raid Spain’s overseas empire. And the forces of Protestant reform will soon drag Spain into eighty years of rebellion in the Netherlands. Will Spain find aid from its Catholic allies? Perhaps not from France, where the Catholic Valois dynasty is soon to engage another group of Protestant believers in the bloody French Wars of Religion. And even Philip’s relatives in Vienna who rule the Holy Roman Empire may dabble in the Protestant faith instead of remaining loyal to their Catholic heritage and Spanish brethren.

The six powers in Virgin Queen are:

Virgin Queen is the sequel to Here I Stand, another card-driven game of grand strategy that covered the previous forty years (from Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses in 1517 through the abdication of Charles V in 1556). Players familiar with Here I Stand will find much that is familiar in Virgin Queen: over half of the rulebook remains unchanged. New game systems have been put in place to emphasize the changing nature of the conflicts here in the late 16th Century.

We published a First Impression post on the game a few years ago and you can read that at the following link:

If you are interested in Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598, 2nd Printing, you can order a copy for the P500 price of $62.00 (regular price of $92.00) from the GMT Games website at the following link:

As usual, thanks so much for reading along and sticking with me this month as I navigated through the many websites and game pages looking for new and interesting games to share.

Finally, thanks once again to this month’s sponsor VUCA Simulations!
