April showers bring May flowers…err….but what does the May Edition of the Wargame Watch bring?!? More busted wallets I’d say. I really hate to do this to you guys each month but it’s just hard not to share all the good games out there.

This month I found a total of 15 games to share and there are some amazing Kickstarter/Gamefound campaigns (4 that I found) for some really interesting looking games and of course we have some really great looking new releases featured that you can order and have on your gaming table within a week.

If you missed the April Wargame Watch, you can you can read that here at the following link: https://theplayersaid.com/2022/04/01/wargame-watch-whats-new-upcoming-april-2022/


1. Battle Command Volume I: The Battle of the Bulge and Operation Crusader from GMT Games

The Fast Action Battle Series (FAB) has been a series in transition over the past few years. There just doesn’t seem to be that much interest in it so the series designer Rick Young has taken to the offensive to retool and rename the system to the Battle Command Series with the announcement of the first volume in the series called Battle Command Volume I: The Battle of the Bulge and Operation Crusader. Battle Command appears to be a a refinement and simplification of the Fast Action Battles (FAB) game series.

From the game page, we read the following:

Those familiar with the FAB games will recognize that the scope is the same, with higher echelons, artillery, events, and combat assets that can be assigned as available. FAB however was rules intensive and procedural, and those elements have been streamlined in the BC Series. Most players do not need to pick up the rulebook after the first turn or two, as everything you need to play has been printed on the map, including a flow-chart with extended sequence of play so that no turn segment will be overlooked, and your attention will be placed solely on the battle at hand. Special rules needed for each event are printed directly on the event cards, so you can play them and forget them without having to refer to the rulebook. 

Now that you see how the system has changed, let’s dive into what is included in the first volume. A hallmark of the new system is that there will be 2 entire games included in each box.

Battle Command Volume 1: The Battle of the Bulge and Operation Crusader will offer two full games in one box. The included mounted map features The Battle of the Bulge on one side and Operation Crusader on the other. Each game features a 110 card deck, a countersheet, and its own player aids.
The Battle of the Bulge will pit the Allies dug in deep on the Ardennes line against a German force late in 1944. Opening with the German sneak attack, players will contend with the harsh elements and supply issues while fighting it out deep in the snow-covered woods as artillery rains down and bullets fly. Players familiar with FAB Bulge will find some similarities with that game but with new strategies and mechanisms to master.
Operation Crusader will transport players to the arid desert of North Africa where the British 8th Army faces a combined force of Germans and Italians under the command of Erwin Rommel as the British attempt to circumnavigate the Axis defenses between Egypt and Libya and relieve the Siege of Tobruk in the heat of the North African campaign in late 1941.  Air power, armored units, and precious supplies will determine the winner as two great forces meet on the sand.

Overall, the focus of this series seems to be playability. The rules have been streamlined, with the longer arduous combat processes having been simplified, allowing for shorter play times and to be playable after 1 or 2 turns without referring back to the rule book. The biggest change though seems to be that the games will no longer utilized blocks to represent units but will transition to using counters. Not a bad thing but I have always found a good block wargame to be great fun. I am eagerly waiting for this series and hope that all of these changes are well received.

If you are interested in Battle Command Volume I: The Battle of the Bulge and Operation Crusader you can pre-order a copy for $56.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link: https://www.gmtgames.com/p-982-borikn-the-tano-resistance.aspx

2. Borikén: The Taíno Resistance from GMT Games

I am simply ecstatic about this new focus on games that are diving into lesser known parts of history or underrepresented time periods to provide us all with a wider and deeper knowledge and understanding of our world. Such is the case with a new game from GMT Games called Borikén: The Taíno Resistance. The game is named for Borikén, which is modern-day Puerto Rico, the ancestral home of the Taíno people.

From the game page, we read the following:

In designing and developing Borikén, we decided that in an effort to convey a holistic picture of the Taíno people, no part of their story could be left out. So, the Campaign game combines three unique scenarios, each covering one of the three eras of Taíno history, focusing on the type of conflict in which the Taíno people were engaged.

These three game scenarios can be played individually as stand-alone games or they can be played as a 3-part campaign in which the end state of each game serves as the set up for the next. Each game scenario accommodates 2-4 players and takes between 45-90 minutes to play.

I love that they are taking a look at the broader history of these people and their struggle with colonization of their homeland and the enculturation into the Spanish Empire. These 3 different scenarios give players options for the play time and I really like that concept.

Here is some more detail on these scenarios:

The first scenario focuses on the conflict between the Taíno as they competed amongst themselves for the best resources and regions to settle centuries before the European discovery of the new world. As such, scenario 1 (pre-1493 era) is a competitive game mode in which each player is trying to win by contributing to the Taíno settlements on the island and by controlling more regions and resources than their opponents.

The second scenario focuses on the conflict between the Taíno and the Spanish as they begin to take over the Island from the Taíno people. So, scenario 2 (1493-1512 era) is a cooperative game mode where all players band together against a common foe—the Spanish Conquistadors. The goal of scenario 2 is to complete a set number of objectives before losing control of the Island and succumbing to Spanish rule. Each objective is inspired by a historical moment from this era, and objectives are randomized during setup to provide a unique set of goals for each playthrough.

The third scenario focuses on the change in conflict style from open warfare to guerilla warfare and subterfuge that was a key part of the Taíno’s final resistance as they attempted to evacuate as many of their people off the island as possible. As such, scenario 3 (1512-1529 era) is a cooperative survival game mode in which players must regain or maintain control in each region of the board long enough to evacuate enough Taíno to preserve the legacy of their people.

The game uses multiuse cards and a player board as players try to take various actions and then augment those actions by matching with appropriate symbols on the player board and using the special abilities of their Cacique or chief. They can also use God cards to provide augmentations to actions in the religious action selection column on the player board. These God cards alongside the multi-use Taíno cards, the Cacique special ability cards, and the unique player boards combine to form a unique player tableau that provides a huge variety of experiences across plays.

I am really intrigued by this one, and while it doesn’t seem to be a more traditional wargames, it still tells a fascinating history and I am into different game.

I will definitely reach out to the designer to get more information and post an interview on the blog over the next few months.

If you are interested in Borikén: The Taíno Resistance you can pre-order a copy for $56.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link: https://www.gmtgames.com/p-982-borikn-the-tano-resistance.aspx

3. Cuba Libre Calixto Bot Update Pack from GMT Games

It is no secret that I love the COIN Series. In fact, recently Alexander and I had the opportunity to teach several sessions for new players at Buckeye Game Fest where I taught Liberty or Death and Alexander taught Cuba Libre. So to see the series continue to develop these better operating bot systems to allow for improved solo play is a good thing that I think will lead to a greater appeal and reach for the system. The Cuba Libre Calixto Bot Update Pack brings the successful Jacquard Bot system to Cuba Libre. Like its predecessors in Gandhi and Fall of SaigonCalixto is quick to use and easy to implement but presents a challenge to any Cuba Libre player.

From the game page, we read the following:

When selecting Operations and Special Activities, cards are drawn from the Calixto deck—there are six cards for each Cuba Libre faction. Each card examines the current state of the game and selects the appropriate action for the active faction. A single, faction-specific table then determines where that action will occur. The same table is used to select spaces for Operations, Special Activities, and Events, minimizing the need to flip between multiple player aids.

One complaint I always have about these Bots is sometimes you can predict their actions and you don’t get a comparable experience to playing with human opponents.

Playing against Calixto feels like playing against a human opponent. It is unpredictable yet responsive to strategic needs, it goes after its enemies while keeping an eye on its ally, and makes moves until now limited to human players—like choosing a Limited Operation to block an opponent’s Event. Calixto can take the place of any faction in a Cuba Libre session and can be used in any combination of player and non-player setups.

Finally, you might be asking where the name of Calixto came from. Well, the game page provides the following:

Calixto is named after Cuban General Calixto García, who led Cuban forces during the Cuban Struggle for Independence from Spain. During the last stages of this struggle, when American forces intervened, Gen. García coordinated with American forces led by General William Shatter and successfully defeated the Spanish in the siege of Santiago de Cuba. Upon the Spanish forces’ surrender, Gen. García was denied entry to Santiago de Cuba and resigned from the Cuban army in protest. García died shortly after the end of the Spanish-American War while on a diplomatic mission to Washington D.C. In his honor, a plaque was erected reading “Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori” – “It is sweet and fitting to die for the homeland.”

If you are interested in the Cuba Libre Calixto Bot Update Pack you can pre-order a copy for $17.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link: https://www.gmtgames.com/p-981-cuba-libre-calixto-bot-update-pack.aspx

4. Gandhi: The Decolonization of British India 1917-1947 2nd Printing from GMT Games

When I saw the announcement in 2017 for COIN Series Volume IX Gandhi: The Decolonization of British India 1917-1947 designed by Bruce Mansfield, my head literally exploded with excitement. This edition of the COIN Series took its first steps into a game system that is not focused on warfare (traditionally battles have been a major focus on Commands and Special Activities) alone as a means to gain independence, and in fact, has an entire faction that is Nonviolent (NV), but that still uses the familiar multi-faction, asymmetrical, card-assisted system found in earlier titles. It is really great to see that this one is getting a 2nd Printing. We have enjoyed our experience with the game but really need to get it back to the table some more to explore it.

To me, the most interesting thing is the methods used to wage a different kind of war, that of passive resistance. There are options for terror and assassination but it is definitely interesting to try your hand at gaining independence without big open battles.

We posted a few interviews with the designer Bruce Mansfield on the blog and you can read the first one at the following link: https://theplayersaid.com/2017/05/01/interview-with-bruce-mansfield-designer-of-gandhi-the-decolonization-of-british-india-1917-1947-by-gmt-games/

After the game was published, we also posted a follow-up interview with Bruce and you can read that at the following link: https://theplayersaid.com/2019/05/28/interview-with-bruce-mansfield-designer-of-gandhi-the-decolonization-of-british-india-1917-1947-coin-series-volume-ix-from-gmt-games/

Here also is a link to a first impressions style review we did while at WBC in 2019 with a few friends (Joe McLaughlin and John Sy):

If you are interested in Gandhi: The Decolonization of British India 1917-1947 2nd Printing you can pre-order a copy for $59.00 from the GMT Games website at the following link: https://www.gmtgames.com/p-985-gandhi-2nd-printing.aspx

5. The Seven Days Battles 1862 from Worthington Publishing Currently on Kickstarter

We have enjoyed Worthington Publishing’s Civil War Brigade Battle Series with Antietam having been a riot in 2019. They have now produced an additional volume with Shiloh and now are back with Volume III The Seven Days Battles 1862.

From the Kickstarter page, we read the following:

The Seven Days Battles 1862 is Volume III in our Civil War Brigade Battle Series.  It is an old school style hex and counter wargame that allows gamers to refight battles from the 1862 Seven Days Battles that occurred outside of Richmond, VA. One player will play the Confederate side, and one player will play the Union side. The victory conditions are the destruction of the enemy army and capturing key terrain objectives. The game include 8 scenarios over 4 separate battles. 2 of the scenarios allow the linking of 2 of the battles.

There is a lot of game in this box as there are multiple scenarios and battles covered.

The battles included are Beaver Dam Creek, Gaine’s Mill, Glendale, and Malvern Hill.  Beaver Dam Creek and Gaine’s Mill may be joined in one of the scenarios to cover two days of the battles, while Glendale and Malvern Hill may be joined in another scenario to cover two other days of the battle.  

The 6 single day scenarios can be played in 2 to 4 hours, while the 2 two day scenarios can be player in 6 – 8 hours.  

If you are interested in The Seven Days Battles 1862 you can pre-order a copy from the Kickstarter game page at the following link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1040417273/seven-days-battles-1862?ref=discovery_newest

As of May 3rd, the Kickstarter campaign has raised $27,122 toward its $1,862 funding goal with 256 backers. The campaign will conclude on Saturday, May 14th at 4:00pm EDT.

6. Atlantic Sentinels: North Atlantic Convoy Escort, 1942-1943 from Compass Games

Gregory M. Smith is pretty hot right now! In fact, white hot as he is just in the zone and pumping out solitaire game after solitaire game. His new baby is a look at the Allied convoy escorts in the North Atlantic during World War II. Atlantic Sentinels is a solitaire, tactical level game placing you as the Senior Officer of the Escort, shepherding a convoy in the North Atlantic from the attacks of U-boats. Players are in command of a convoy escort group, composed typically of 4-10 escort vessels guarding a convoy on its way across the Atlantic. The mission is to protect as much Allied shipping as possible while simultaneously destroying as many U-boats as possible during the height of the U-boat threat from 1942 to early 1943.

From the game page, we read the following:

Atlantic Sentinels provides players with a host of decisions as they are assigned to protect merchant convoys, typically ranging from 40 to 60 ships. The placement of escorts to offer front, rear, and flank protection to the convoy is complicated by the size of the convoy and available assets. Additional decisions must be made on where to place the escorts, which are equipped with Type 271 radars, the key to your defense.

As the game progresses, a player’s Escort Group may receive upgrades in the form of additional radars, HF/DF (High-Frequency Direction Finding) equipment, and possibly additional ships. Air support can be key, but until the CVE “jeep carriers” arrive, the “Black Pit” in the center of the Atlantic remains a high threat area.

Players will find it highly challenging to minimize convoy losses and keep them to an acceptable level.

Players may choose any of 9 historical Escort Groups (five British, four Canadian) armed with historical destroyers and corvettes.

This one looks really interesting and I am intrigued by the focus being a naval escort game as well as the fact that this is from the perspective of the Allies as far too many of these games focus on the Axis powers.

We posted an interview with the designer Gregory M. Smith on the blog and you can read that at the following link: https://theplayersaid.com/2022/05/02/interview-with-gregory-m-smith-designer-of-atlantic-sentinels-north-atlantic-convoy-escort-1942-1943-from-compass-games/

If you are interested in Atlantic Sentinels: North Atlantic Convoy Escort, 1942-1943 you can pre-order a copy for $52.00 from the Compass Games website at the following link: https://www.compassgames.com/product/atlantic-sentinels-north-atlantic-convoy-escort-1942-43-pay-later/

7. Sensuikan: Japanese Fleet Submarines in WW2, 1941-1945 from Compass Games

Another solitaire game…..from Gregory M. Smith? Wow, he is a machine! Sensuikan: Japanese Fleet Submarines in WW2, 1941-1945 is a solitaire, tactical level game that places you in command of a Japanese Fleet submarine from Pearl Harbor until the end of the war in 1945. After choosing a class, your mission is to conduct special missions as assigned by the Combined Fleet. The player will take their submarine on assigned missions with the objective to complete said missions, as opposed to necessarily sinking merchant vessels (although that is sometimes an objective). You will be advancing your crew quality and increasing your commander’s rank and awards—all while remembering you have to make it home amidst diminishing odds of survival as the war progresses.

From the game page, we read the following:

A fascinating historical addition to Sensuikan is three new modules: the Aircraft Module, the Midget Sub Module, and the Kaiten (suicide torpedo) Module. These modules facilitate play if a player is assigned to a submarine that is equipped with one of these special capabilities. The system is packed with rich technical detail based on the various submarine classes used by Japan. There are no less than 17 classes of submarine to choose from. These include:

Types A, B, C

Junsen (3 classes)

Kirai-Sen Class

Kaidai (5 classes)

Type B. 3 and Type C. 3

Sen-Toku and Sen-Taka Classes

Type A (Modified)

The different classes have historical equipment, sometimes including aircraft in watertight hangars, midget submarines, and later in the war, suicide torpedoes. You may be assigned to special missions based on your class’s capabilities – perhaps a midget submarine attack on Pearl Harbor or Australia, the bombing of the U.S. west coast, or possibly even an attack on the Panama Canal.

But, as with Greg’s best solitaire games, this game doesn’t just focus on the hardware you use to complete missions but the crew also plays a pivotal role as they have skills and can advance with experience throughout the campaign.

…the human aspect of the war is captured as the submarine Commander (the player) and his crew can improve over time via skills acquisition. In addition to having combat modules to facilitate ease of play, the game includes a major change by including the “Major Event” markers that track the war’s progress and possibly involve the player in supporting the Major Events as they occur.

If you are interested in Sensuikan: Japanese Fleet Submarines in WW2, 1941-1945 you can pre-order a copy for $52.00 from the Compass Games website at the following link: https://www.compassgames.com/product/sensuikan-japanese-fleet-submarines-pay-later/

8. Armies & Alliances: Arnhem ’44 – Operation Market Garden from Cadet Games Coming to Kickstarter Soon

Over the past year or so, I have become familiar with Cadet Games who has done som pretty interesting looking wargames on Kickstarter. Their first game was They Were Soldiers: Battle of the Ia Drang Valley and their follow-up effort was Nguyen Hue ’72: The 1972 Easter Offensive in Vietnam. They now have a new Kickstarter that just started that takes their system into World War II with Armies & Alliances: Arnhem ’44 – Operation Market Garden.

From the Kickstarter page, we read the following:

This new series from cadet is called the Armies & Alliances Series (A&A). The first in this series is no surprise – it’s A&A Arnhem ’44. With the familiar miniatures representing tanks, infantry, artillery, 88’s, fighters, bombers, Airborne units and Waffen SS, this game is exactly what the community has been waiting for. 52 Action cards enhance the historical “storyboard” of the battle while a simple, yet realistic combat system means every decision and roll of the dice makes a difference. With a big, beautiful map created by Marc Von Martial and an easy-to-read large-print highly-illustrated rulebook, this game is ready to hit the table the minute you get the shrink wrap off!

The unique thing about the games from Cadet is that they use plastic miniatures to represent units on the board. This gives the game a really Axis & Allies feel and looks really great as well!

The game has 114 minis and 52 game cards, plus the map is two big, bad 22×34 mounted sections that fold out and fit together for the ultimate Market-Garden experience. All segments of the campaign are included – from Eindhoven through “Hell’s Highway” to Nijmegen and the dangerous route to Arnhem to cross the lower Rhine. The players get to re-fight the whole battle from the initial airborne drops to the final showdown between the II SS Panzer Corps and Allied XXX Corps. Supply, Air combat and ground attack, Drop Zones, Engineer, Air defense and Reinforcements are all included – along with leadership effects, historical events, and plenty of “easy” chrome built into the design via the event cards. It’s only 10 simple turns and it plays quickly, but even the hardcore gaming enthusiast will discover a well-balanced challenge that is not to be taken for granted!

If you are interested in Armies & Alliances: Arnhem ’44 – Operation Market Garden you can pre-order a copy from the Kickstarter game page at the following link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/647106057/aanda-arnhem-44-operation-market-garden?ref=f42jmx&token=ec030c0c

As of May 3rd, the Kickstarter campaign has raised $5,443 toward its $18,900 funding goal with 52 backers. The campaign will conclude on Friday, July 1st at 10:59am EDT.

9. Stuka Leader: The WWII European Theater Solitaire Game from Dan Verssen Games Currently on Kickstarter

We have played many of the Leader Series of games from DVG and enjoyed them all. I have personally played Gato Leader, Sherman Leader, Corsair Leader, Zero Leader and a bit of B-17 Leader. The last Leader Series game was Zero Leader designed by Chuck Seegert and was a compliment to Corsair Leader. Now Chuck is taking his design talents to the East Front of World War II with his newest design Stuka Leader.

From the Kickstarter page, we read the following:

Stuka Leader is based on Corsair Leader and Zero Leader, expanding gameplay from the previous games. You are in command of a German aerial squadron in Europe in World War Two, with aircraft including the Messerschmitt Me 109 and Me 262, Heinkel He 111, Focke-Wulf Fw 190, and the eponymous Junkers Ju 87 Stuka.

You will need to select the right mix of pilots and aircraft under your command in order to carry out the different types of missions. Each aircraft has its advantages and disadvantages.

This game also expands additional aspects of German operations such as fuel barrels, wounds, and bail outs. There is also a new campaign sheet and tactical display, which will present a different feel to the well-established Leader gameplay.

If you are interested in Stuka Leader you can pre-order a copy from the Kickstarter game page at the following link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/danverssengames/dvg-stuka-leader

As of May 3rd, the Kickstarter campaign has raised $84,041 toward its $20,000 funding goal with 458 backers. The campaign will conclude on Thursday, May 12th at 3:00pm EDT.

10. Lock ‘n Load Tactical: Heroes of the Bitter Harvest from Lock ‘n Load Publishing Coming to Gamefound May 4th

We have played several games in the Lock ‘n Load Tactical System and enjoyed all of them. My favorites have been Heroes of Normandy and Heroes of the Pacific and I know that Alexander has really liked Heroes of the Falklands.

From the Gamefound page, we read the following:

Heroes of the Bitter Harvest is the latest East Front module in the Lock ‘n Load Tactical Series by designer and developer Devin Heinle. Heroes of the Bitter Harvest covers the German 1942 Summer offensive in South Russia, code named Case Blue. The German offensive was to capture the vital Baku oil fields but ended up finding itself at the gates of Stalingrad.  The scenarios depict the vicious and brutal fighting across the steppes and mountains of southern Russia.  German Landser, Mechanized, and Armored formations clash with Soviet Line, Guards, and NKVD Divisions. New vehicles, equipment, and leaders make their appearance.

The Lock ‘n Load Tactical System features fluid, impulse-based turns, squad-level, and individual heroics, plus lots of armor and special rules to bring the fight for the southern steppes of Russia to life.  New vehicles and equipment such as the German Pz IV F and G, along with the Marder II and StuG IIIF, join the battlefield. New Soviet forces include the Soviet Tachanka MG wagon, NKVD troops, and the IL2 Sturmovik. We also introduce a new leader type the Incompetent Leader. The scenarios range from the city of Voronezh and through Rostov, as far south as the Caucasus Mountains. Into the footsteps of the Silk Road at Khulkhuta, up and into the outskirts of Stalingrad itself. We also introduce a new leader type the Incompetent Leader.

The scenarios range from the city of Voronezh and through Rostov, as far south as the Caucasus Mountains. Into the footsteps of the Silk Road at Khulkhuta, up and into the outskirts of Stalingrad itself.

There are also a few mini Add-On Expansions that are being provided as well for an additional price which includes Enemy At The Gates and Valor of the 13th.

If you are interested in Heroes of the Bitter Harvest you can pre-order a copy from the Gamefound game page at the following link: https://gamefound.com/projects/draft/dgyghpp269vra0y9i2uih4ot8tw?ref=search

The campaign will conclude on Thursday, May 12th at 3:00pm EDT.

11. C3i Magazine Nr. 35 from RBM Studio – Mark Herman’s Burma: The Forgotten War, 1943-1944

One of the best wargame magazines out there is C3i Magazine from RBM Studio. They are just so well done and have so much to offer that it it is hard to imagine not having my own copy to read. Issue Nr. 35 of C3i Magazine is once again jam packed with great content, including various game additions/inserts for games like articles on board games Atlantic Chase, Flying Colors, Kontact Now: Red Eclipse, Normandy ’44, Kursk and more! Inserts for SPQR (LAKE TRASIMENE)Labyrinth, and others! But the best part if that there is a 2nd game included which is a standalone solitaire game called ROMAN DISASTER AT TEUTOBURG!

If you are interested in C3i Magazine Nr. 35 you can pre-order a copy for $45.00 from the RBM Studio website at the following link: https://c3iopscenter.com/rbm-studio-store/C3i-Magazine-Nr-35-p462453028

New Release

1. Admirals War: World War II at Sea and Expansion from Canvas Temple Publishing

I truly love games that focus on air-naval combat, especially when there are Aircraft Carriers involved. Admirals’ War: World War II at Sea is a board game recreation of the strategic naval situation in WWII, from the early months of the Atlantic war to the decisive Battle of the Philippine Sea in late 1944.

From the game page, we read the following:

Although all the major combat ships in the Axis and Allied navies are portrayed in the game, and although the board shows all the battle areas from the Barents Sea to Samoa, AW is only a basic simulation of the war on a strategic level, with most of the tactical details represented by simple game mechanics. The resulting game is fast-paced and fun to play, but it is not as realistic as many other simulations.

Much of AW is derived from mechanics used in Avalon Hill’s classic game Victory in The Pacific (VITP) (a game that I was able to purchase at GenCon last year but have yet to play) applying a modified version of that system to the sea wars in both the Atlantic and the Pacific, essentially combining that title with its older brother War at Sea (WAS), which was published in turn by Jedko Games and Avalon Hill.

I am very interested about this one as it combines action in both major naval theaters of World War II. It seems that most of these games tend to focus on only the Pacific Theater so this will be an interesting one for me. The game was successfully Kickstarted in early 2019 and has just been fulfilled and is available for purchase.

The expansion includes new rules for Submarine Warfare as well as new rules to expand the game into the Black Sea. Also included are two new counter sheets filled with new ships to include in games.

If you are interested in Admiral’s War: World War II at Sea you can order a copy for $119.95 from the Canvas Temple Publishing website at the following link: https://canvastemple.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=4

The expansion can be pledged for as a late pledge on the Kickstarter campaign page at the following link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ctp/admirals-war-world-war-ii-at-sea-reprint

2. Sangre y Acero: Second Battle of Nanawa, 1933 from High Flying Dice Games

As is usual, High Flying Dice Games has a new game out that takes a look at a rarely game subject. This month’s game covers the war between Bolivia and Paraguay for control over the Chaco region in 1933 called Sangre y Acero: Second Battle of Nanawa, 1933.

From the game page, we read the following:

War broke out over who would have control of the oil fields discovered a decade earlier. The small town of Nanawa was marked by a key crossroads as well as water springs that were highly prized in this arid region. The Paraguayans captured the town and fortified surrounding area soon after war broke out the year before. In July a massive offensive organized by General Hans Kundt by the Bolivians was launched to retake the area which they hoped would lead to the fall of Concepcion. Can you do as well or better?

If you are interested in Sangre y Acero: Second Battle of Nanawa, 1933 you can order a copy for $20.95 from the High Flying Dice Games website at the following link: https://www.hfdgames.com/acero.html

3. Fire on the Mountain: The Battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862 from Legion Wargames

A good ACW game is always welcome and Legion Wargames always does a good job with their games. I noticed this month that Fire on the Mountain: The Battle of South Mountain, which is designed by John Poniske was shipping so I wanted to include it here for you to consider.

From the game page, we read the following:

Fire on the Mountain is a simulation of the Battle of South Mountain and concentrates on the action around Turner’s Gap and Fox’s Gap. It will emphasize the difficulty of mountainous terrain and the seesaw nature of a battle into which reinforcements continue to trickle and officer casualties effect combat operations. The game uses simple mechanics to simulate movement, artillery, cavalry, leaders, and difficult terrain, with a unique combat system that allows the game to move quickly while still simulating the tense nature of the battle. The game will be produced with double-wide counters (5/8″ x 1 1/4″) and oversized hexes to accommodate them.

During Robert E. Lee’s first invasion of the North, Lee learned of a threatening Federal advance East of Hagerstown, Maryland. Because Stonewall Jackson was besieging Harper’ Ferry, he instructed Daniel Harvey Hill to hold the South Mountain passes in the rugged Blue Ridge, just East of Boonsboro. It was essential to delay McClellan’s progress so Jackson would have time to take Harper’s Ferry and reunite his scattered divisions before the Army of the Potomac caught him unprepared.

Despite strong defensive features the numerically superior Federal forces should have overwhelmed the rebels but the inaction of Pleasanton and Burnside squandered their advantage. In the end Lee’s defense of the South Mountain passes cost him 2800 casualties as opposed to the Federal losses of 2300 and lead directly to the fearful slaughter at Antietam.

If you are interested in Fire on the Mountain: The Battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862 you can order a copy for $40.00 from the Legion Wargames website at the following link: https://www.legionwargames.com/legion_fire_mountain.html

4. Almoravid: Reconquista and Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086 from GMT Games

When this new Levy & Campaign Series was announced a few years ago, I was uncertain about whether it would be something that I was interested in. I should have known it would be good, as it is designed by Volko Ruhnke and we have never not enjoyed his designs, but it took me a while to truly become interested. After getting a quick run down from the game’s designer Wendell Albright at Origins 2017 and then posting an interview and playing Nevsky, I was immediately hooked. The system is a bit fragile, and there is a different focus with planning and logistics, but it is very interactive and enjoyable to play. Then in 2020, Almoravidwhich is Volume II in the Levy & Campaign Series, was announced and it now takes us from “Nevsky’s frozen northeast frontier to medieval Latindom’s opposite corner”. The same basic system is used to play the game including mustering of lords, managing their levy of forces and various capabilities that come from the play of cards, and their command of armies during 11th-Century Spain. The real major difference here is that the armies will enjoy good Roman roads and gentler seasons as compared to the wet and messy Rasputitsa of the Russian steppe but now must also contend against Iberia’s tough Moorish fortifications as siege becomes more important. Taifa politics and Parias tribute will guide the players military strategy the game will play out across a map half again as large as that of the first volume. This promises to be a familiar walk down a different geographic area with the same mechanics and opportunity to learn more about reconquista in Spain.

We posted an interview with Volko on the blog covering the design and you can read that at the following link: https://theplayersaid.com/2020/08/04/interview-with-volko-ruhnke-designer-of-almoravid-reconquista-and-riposte-in-spain-1085-1086-from-gmt-games/

If you are interested in Almoravid: Reconquista and Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086, you can order a copy for $90.00 on the GMT Games website at the following link: https://www.gmtgames.com/p-861-almoravid-reconquista-and-riposte-in-spain-1085-1086.aspx

Thanks for reading along and please let me know what new pre-order and new release games you know about that are out there that I missed.
