Late Thursday night, I saw that the Monthly Update had dropped! I opened the email and was amazed at what I saw. Couple of things that caught my eye were that the Levy & Campaign Series (after announcing a new volume in August) just keeps spawning new and interesting looking volumes but this time there was a bit of a twist that we will discuss more about later. They also dropped a new tactical series game, and while it is not a traditional style of game, it definitely looks very interesting.

This month saw two brand new P500 additions, including a new series Levy & Campaign Ancients Volume 1 Epipolae: The Athenian Expedition in Sicily, 415-413 BCE and Firefight Tactical as well as a 2nd Edition of Illusions of Glory and Mr. President 2nd Edition and a 2nd Edition Update Kit for said game. There also was offered a Mounted Map option for the upcoming France ’40.

Also, there was plenty of other information shared including updates on GMT One products, development updates, upcoming future P500 additions (that I just don’t have any inside info on) and art samples.

In case you missed the Monthly Update email, here is a link:

But before we get to the good stuff, let’s take a look at some announcements regarding playtesting needs for the upcoming Red Dust Rebellion in the COIN Series. GMT One and the GMT Development Department shared that Joe Dewhurst has been working to finalize the rules and solitaire system for Red Dust Rebellion, and they are looking for a few people who can read through the rules and play the solitaire system to provide feedback on the solitaire system. The solitaire system is based on the Jacquard system designed by Bruce Mansfield and used in Gandhi, Tru’ngFall of SaigonSovereign of Discord, and People Power . But, there are a few new wrinkles that they want to get feedback on. If you are interested in doing some playtesting, you can sign up to test at the following ink:

Also, GMT has been putting a lot of work into their Vassal modules and it is now easier to get started with VASSAL. You will just need to go to the Vassal home page, click the blue button to download the software, install it, then download a module, and open it from your newly installed Vassal program. If you need more help, you might start with one of the more recent video tutorials, such as the first 6 or 7 minutes of this one by Charles Cabell which will take you through to your first install of a module and beyond.

Here’s a list of new or updated VASSAL mods for GMT games over the past month or so:

Last UpdateGame Module & LinkContributorsVersionUpdate Summary
15 SepClash of Sovereigns: The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48Tim Porter1.00New!
2 SepStorm Above the Reich (includes Skies Above the Reich)Jim Pyle1.00New! Not compatible with standalone Skies… module.
31 AugGathering StormDave Casper2.4Uses published map. Adds saved ship-building counters.
26 AugNext War: PolandTsnouffer2.1Adds 2nd ed player aids and Island Map. 
24 AugFields of FireColin Parsons3.2.03DMany fixes & enhancements this month. See change log.
19 AugCommands & Colors: AncientsMark Benson4.3.11Fixes a risk of duplicate First Strike replacement draw.
18 AugConquest & Consequences (includes Triumph & Tragedy)Joel Toppen2.0Fixes & new features. See walk-through on YouTube.

They even mentioned that Joel Toppen is working on a few new modules for the upcoming Sovereign of Discord and Seas of Thunder.

New P500’s

As shared above, there were two new P500 additions this month, including a new series offshoot called Levy & Campaign Ancients Volume 1 Epipolae: The Athenian Expedition in Sicily, 415-413 BCE and Firefight Tactical as well as Illusions of Glory 2nd Edition (right on the heals of the shipping of Pursuit of Glory 2nd Edition) and Mr. President 2nd Edition and a 2nd Edition Update Kit for said game. There also was offered a Mounted Map option for the upcoming France ’40.

Levy & Campaign Ancients Volume 1 Epipolae: The Athenian Expedition in Sicily, 415-413 BCE

Like I already mentioned last month in the Update post, the hottest series out there today is the Levy & Campaign Series. Initially started by Volko Ruhnke with his Nevsky: Teutons & Rus in Collision, 1240-1242 and then followed up with Almoravid: Reconquista and Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086 along with the most recently shipped Plantagenet: Cousins’ War for England, 1459 – 1485 there are 3 titles currently listed on the P500 (Henry, Seljuk and Žižka) with at least another dozen (or more) that have yet to be announced but are being developed and playtested. Now the series is not growing in the traditional way with a new volume but is expanding into a new period with a new series called Levy & Campaign Ancients.

From the game page, we read the following:

For the first time, Epipolae brings Volko Ruhnke’s Levy & Campaign Series to the Ancient World, portraying 5th-century BCE Greek military operations with a focus on logistics and maneuver. Players will raise and equip their armies and navies, build alliances through diplomacy, and ravage, siege, and battle their way to victory.

The game entry didn’t give a lot of information but I did read where the variations from the base Levy & Campaign mechanisms include Triremes (naval forces), Siege walls and Counter walls, and Diplomacy.

If you are interested in the Levy & Campaign Ancients Volume 1 Epipolae: The Athenian Expedition in Sicily, 415-413 BCE, you can pre-order a copy for $58.00 on the P500 game page at the following link:

Firefight Tactical

You know we love tactical scale wargames here at The Players’ Aid. We love the action, the small scale, the counters representing individual soldiers and the interesting choices and tactics you are confronted with. When I saw this new offering I was immediately interested.

From the game page, we read the following:

Firefight Tactical is an innovative dice-driven tactical WW2 wargame at the squad level. Quick to play and learn, this compact game follows American forces through 12 scenarios in the weeks after the D-Day landings. The scenarios gradually introduce game features as you progress. Starting with small infantry engagements on tight maps, players will work their way to larger scenarios with multiple phases, artillery, and tank-on-tank action.

The scenarios follow American forces from early skirmishes of the Normandy invasion at St. Mere Eglise and Carentan through to St. Lo and Operation Cobra and conclude with Operation Market Garden. The battlefields will vary from desperate battles over a “no man’s land” devoid of cover like Bloody Gulch, to claustrophobic urban battles like Cherbourg. Each scenario can be played 2-player against a human opponent or against a customizable solitaire automa.

As I look into this one, I like several things. The fact that the game has a small table footprint and that it has high replayability. These are things that most of us crave in our wargames.

The Firefight Tactical system was designed to be quick to play and easy to learn, whilst being packed with tactical decision-making. Its compact size also enables play on relatively small playing surfaces, making it an ideal game to travel with. The core infantry rules are straightforward and can be learned from ~10 pages, including many examples and a glossary of actions.

As a result of the dice and random battle maps, the game has intensely high replayability, even within a single scenario, so players will get tons of enjoyment from the “basic” game. Once you are ready for more, though, you can start adding more rules, covering support weapons, weather, armor, and so forth in the heavier scenarios. Firefight Tactical is the perfect game for those looking for a lot of tactical depth and replayability with a small footprint.

If you are interested in Firefight Tactical, you can pre-order a copy for $55.00 on the P500 game page at the following link:

Illusions of Glory 2nd Edition

We love our WWI games and recently Alexander played Pursuit of Glory solo and we are going to get it to the table soon for a 2-player game. This month they added Illusions of Glory 2nd Edition to the P500.

From the game page, we read the following:

Illusions of Glory: The Great War on the Eastern Front is the latest Card Driven Game to simulate the Great War in Europe. First came the award-winning legendary Paths of Glory by Ted Raicer, which simulates the entire war in Europe and the Middle East and is now a convention favorite. It was followed by the well-received Pursuit of Glory, designed by Brad and Brian Stock, which focuses on the war in the Near East. Illusions of Glory takes this proven game system to a new and exciting level by applying its focus to the Eastern Front.

The Allied Powers bring massive forces to bear against Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey while trying to prevent a game-changing revolution in Russia. The Central Powers must defeat Russia, hold off Italy, and win the upper hand in the Balkans or face demoralization and rebellion at home. Players test their generalship and strategic abilities as Illusions of Glory lets you recreate the dramatic events of World War I’s Eastern Front.

Your hand of strategy cards present you with a rich array of strategic and operational choices. You must decide whether to use each card for its historic event, unit movement, combat, or troop replacements. You must commit your forces to a variety of objectives: winning the dynamic war of maneuver between German-led and Russian armies, seizing the Balkans and its vital objectives, or prevailing in the conflict between Austria-Hungary and Italy. If you are looking for a game that is relevant, fun, challenging, and tense, from complete campaigns to shorter playing scenarios, you will enjoy Illusions of Glory.

If you are interested in Illusions of Glory 2nd Edition, you can pre-order a copy for $50.00 on the P500 game page at the following link:

Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020 2nd Edition

Last month, we were told that the 1st Printing of Mr. President, the very interesting and unique solitaire game where the player takes on the role of the President of the United States and has to not only survive but also do a good job to get reelected or lose the game, was sold out! But don’t despair, this month Gene announced the 2nd Edition being added to the P500.

I can attest that the game is very interesting and unique as Alexander and I played together cooperatively a few months ago and I have posted a First Impressions post on the blog.

Here is also a link to our initial impressions video on the game:

From the game page, we read the following:

What’s New in Mr. President, 2nd Edition. First off, several have asked me “Why a 2nd EDITION? Why not just reprint the original game in a 2nd Printing to get it back in stock as quickly as possible?” Well, we considered that, but after looking at the FAQ document, and with tens of thousands of games being played over the past few months and so many players posting their experiences online (thank you, I love to read your Presidential stories!), we have seen some places we can tighten up to help players understand the game better. There are some “balance” issues that I want to address on the design side as well. We are also using this opportunity to address the first edition errata. So, yes, we could have just reprinted. But because we want to make the game the best it can be, we’ve decided to take the approach of “fix the bugs and also give the players game enhancements,” which means we’re going to do a full-blown 2nd Edition.

This approach means that we are going to have updates to most of the game’s manuals, half a dozen cards, and a few counters. Those will all be folded into the 2nd Edition. For you 1st Edition owners, we are also offering what is going to be one behemoth of an Update Kit (see the Update Kit /Order page here).

If you are interested in Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020 2nd Edition, you can pre-order a copy for $69.00 on the P500 game page at the following link:

Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020 2nd Edition Update Kit

As mentioned above, never fear if you have already purchased the 1st Edition and are concerned you won’t be able to get the new content. You can purchase the new Update Kit.

From the game page, we read the following:

The Mr. President 2nd Edition Update Kit will include the following items:

  • 6 cards 
  • 16 counters (duplicates of those in the 2023 Replacement Countersheet—note that four of these are very minor errata; the other 12 are helpful reminder counters)
  • 4 double-sided Action Cards (Domestic, Diplomatic, Military, Presidential)
  • Booklets:
    • Scenario Booklet ~36 pages
    • World Peer China ~12 pages
    • World Peer Russia ~12 pages
    • Ally/Rogue State ~12 pages
    • World Charts ~32 pages
    • Governing Manual ~52 pages
    • Domestic Charts ~20 pages
    • Flipbook ~28 pages 
    • Briefing Booklet ~20-24 pages. 

You’ll note that’s most of the Booklets and PACs in the game! Some of this is to accommodate errata and clearer wording from the FAQ for the 2nd Edition, but it will also include numerous game enhancements to make the game more challenging (especially in years 3 and following) and to add features, importance, and more difficult choices to areas like:

  • Ally Relationships/Actions
  • Strategic Capabilities
  • Combat (Counterattacks, Carrier Support and Combat DRMs based on Strategic Capabilities, Heavy units less useful in Guerrilla War)
  • Iran at War (including a new Action Table)
  • Cascading Events (January Surprise)

If you are interested in Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020 2nd Edition Update Kit, you can pre-order a copy for $15.00 on the P500 game page at the following link:

France ’40 Mounted Map

France ’40 2nd Edition is a major upgrade to the original game. The changes include several rules updates for Extended Movement, Combat, Advance After Combat, Breakthrough Combat and Determined Defense have been updated so they are more in line with the recent games in the 19XX Series such as Stalingrad ’42 and Salerno ’43). A new scenario has also been included that is designed by Mark Merritt that combines both maps.

This double-sided mounted map features the game’s Dynamo map on one side and the Sickle Cut map on the other. And they look really great as they have been updated with some new colors and layout. As I look at the board, I just think it draws me in and makes we want to play it.

Here is a gander at the Sickle Cut scenario board:

And the Dynamo scenario board:

If you are interested in the France ’40 Mounted Map, you can pre-order a copy for $19.00 on the P500 game page at the following link:

Charging & Shipping

The following information for Charging and Shipping was copied directly from the Update:

Current Charges/Near-Future Shipments: We will charge on Monday, September 25th all P500 orders for the following games:


Downfall Mounted Maps + 3″ Box

Great Battles of Alexander, Expanded Deluxe Edition, 2nd Printing

Great Battles of Alexander: Tyrant Module

Sovereign of Discord: A Fire in the Lake Expansion

Next Charges/Shipments: The batch of games should arrive in the warehouse in a few weeks. We plan to charge and ship the following games in mid-late October:

C&C Napoleonics Expansion 5: Generals, Marshals, and Tacticians, 2nd Printing

C&C Samurai Battles, 2nd Printing

Prime Minister

The Last Hundred Yards: The Russian Front

Project Updates and Sample Art

One final thing that I wanted to share this month is all of the great sample art that has been shared as a part of the update on various games as they run up to production.

The first thing that was shared was a few box backs at the beginning of the update. The first one was for Rebel Fury designed by Mark Herman. Rebel Fury, designed by Mark Herman, is Volume I of the Civil War Heritage Series, which uses the low-complexity Gettysburg system featured in C3i Magazine #32. The 5 battles featured in the box include Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg (solitaire). Several of the battles are linkable, covering the entire Chickamauga-Chattanooga campaigns.

The other box back shared was for France ’40. I really like the art for this 2nd Edition of the game. It feels very fresh and peaks my interest in the game. I really like this system as well and Mark Simonitch is a really great designer.

We now move to the art samples that were shared and they showed us the final version of the cover for Rebel Fury and it looks very good. Nothing fancy here but I like the showing of the 3 different images even if they are not necessarily new art. I do really like the bridge being built under fire at the top of the box. I am very excited about this game because it will be highly playable.

Then we got a look at the final cover for France ’40 2nd Edition by Antonis Karidis and it looks really great!

Next up they gave us a look at some of the final art on the cards for A Gest of Robin Hood designed by Fred Serval. A Gest of Robin Hood is the second game in the Irregular Conflicts Series, which adapts the COIN System to depict peasant revolts, feudal tax collection, and outlaw activities in late 12th century medieval England.

We published an interview with the designer and you can read that at the following link:

I want to end this post by sharing our recent content on the blog and YouTube Channel for GMT Games products including reviews/interviews/unboxing videos:

Interview with V.P.J. Arponen Designer of Order & Opportunity: Making of the Post-Cold War World Order

First Impressions: Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020

Twilight Struggle: Red Sea – Conflict in the Horn of Africa – Action Point 2

The COIN Series – 10 Reasons it is Great!

August 2023 Monthly Debrief Video – The COIN Series

Twilight Struggle: Red Sea – Conflict in the Horn of Africa – Action Point 3

Order & Opportunity: Making of the Post-Cold War World Order – Event Card Spoilers with Designer V.P.J. Arponen – #12 War on Terror/Operation Enduring Freedom

Video Interview with Ben Hull at WBC 2023

Unboxing Video The Russian Campaign Deluxe 5th Edition

Video Review Charioteer: Race for Glory in Ancient Rome

Solitaire AAR Video Pursuit of Glory: The Great War in the Near East

Please let me know what caught your interest from the update this month and what GMT Games products that you have been enjoying lately.
