First off, this series is being done as a bit of a lark as wargaming has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas so if anyone is offended, please just stop reading now.

On the 10th day of Christmas War Gaming, my true love gave to me…

10 Air Assets Providing Air Support

Nguyen Hue ’72 – The 1972 Easter Offensive in Vietnam is a strategic-level treatment of the Easter Offensive in Vietnam in the spring of 1971. The game uses oversized hexes and miniatures to show the situation in the jungles of Vietnam as the Northern Communists attempted to militarily defeat the South before the US Presidential Election at the end of the year. The game is a fast playing affair with very approachable rules but enough crunch to appeal to even the most seasoned grognard.

The game comes with various aircraft including B-52 Bombers, F-4 Phantoms, A-1 Skyraiders, A-37 Dragonflys, F-5 Tigers and AC-130 Spectres. And the best part is that these aircraft are cute little miniatures so they look really great on the table. As you can also see in the picture, the Airplanes Board where these air assets are held is reminiscent of an airfield with the various taxi lanes, runways and storage areas found at any military air base. In the picture above, you will notice there are 3 F-4 Phantoms, 3 A-1 Skyraiders and 4 F-5 Tigers shown. Not shown are the B-52’s, A-37 Dragonflys or AC-130 Spectres.

Each of the type of air assets have a different attack factor and are used to supplement ground combat. The air pieces represent the abstract effects of allied airpower more than they represent actual squadrons. A single F-4 Phantom game piece, for example, has the equivalent firepower of an entire ARVN Armored Brigade vs. targets in rough terrain, and the equivalent firepower of an entire NVA Division vs. targets in clear terrain!

We posted an interview with the game’s developer Kevin Talley and you can read that at the following link:

If you are interested in Nguyen Hue ’72 – The 1972 Easter Offensive in Vietnam, you can order a copy for $89.00 from the Cadet Games website at the following link:

You can catch up on the posts in this series to date at the following links:

A Patriot Militia Caught in the Open – Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection from GMT Games

2 Barrages Exploding – SCS Ardennes II from Multi-Man Publishing

3 Columns Shifting – The Russian Campaign Deluxe 5th Edition from GMT Games

4 Relief Convoys Incoming – The Mog: Mogadishu 1994 from White Dog Games

5 Dug-In German Soldiers – Imperial Tide: The Great War, 1914-1918 from Compass Games

6 Zeroes Patrolling – Fighters of the Pacific from Capsicum Games

7 Narrows Gun Emplacements Protecting – Ottoman Sunset: The Great War in the East, 1914-1918 3rd Edition from Victory Point Games

8 Menominee Warriors Defending – The Battle of Mackinac Island from SNAFU Design

9 Army Groups Advancing – Iron, Blood, Snow & Mud from PHALANX
