War for America: The American Revolution, 1775-1782 is a strategic game based on the events during the American Revolution. It is a 2 player game that shows how the conflict, which began as a ‘civil war’ turned into a World conflict with a Great Britain that was greatly isolated. It features a new ‘Action Pulse’ and ‘Initiative System’ that keeps every turn of variable length and new. Game design by Gilbert Collins.

The Colonial player must build a ‘Continental Army’ to battle with the British in order to prevent any sister colony from being overrun. This is going to take time and he must ‘hold on’ and try to defeat a major British force, to impress the old enemies of Great Britain.

The game is played at the Grand Strategic level and each strength point equals 1,000 men or less. Players will assemble forces to seize control of colonies and regions. When French recognition is achieved, during 1778, an entire new dimension is added to the conflict. France, Spain and the Netherlands will bring fleets into the waters of North America and the Caribbean, challenging Britain’s mastery of the seas.

We published an interview with the designer Gilbert Collins on the blog and you can read that at the following link: https://theplayersaid.com/2020/07/28/interview-with-gilbert-collins-designer-of-war-for-america-from-compass-games/
