Good morning faithful readers and wargaming enthusiasts! At the time this post uploads to the blog at 8:00am on Tuesday, July 25th, Alexander and I will already be on our way to the World Boardgaming Championships held at the beautiful Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Seven Springs, Pennsylvania. We have a 6 hour drive ahead of us and are staying at the convention for a total of 6 days leaving on Sunday, July 30th to come back home after a short trip east to visit the Gettysburg battlefield. This will be 6 days filled with gaming, designer interviews, looks at new prototypes, visiting with friends, publishers and designers. This will be our 4th trip to WBC (2019, 2021, 2022) and this is by far the best convention that we attend! WBC is an event put on by the Boardgame Players Association (BPA), which is a non-profit corporation established to support the shared interests of board game players everywhere. This is a membership organization and we both have been members since 2019.

At the end of each day, I will be putting together a short summary of what we did that day at the convention. I would like to keep this to just a few paragraphs with several pictures to give you an idea of the games we played that day, people we talked with and other activities we participated in. We will still work on doing multiple videos as well that will be released on the YouTube Channel over the next few months but this coverage will supplement the videos. This summary will most likely not be posted until after 11:30pm EST each night, if not a bit later, so you might be checking it out the next morning which is fine.

If you might be interested in attending WBC in the future, here is a look at their schedule for the next few years.

Finally, if you are at WBC please feel free to find us and say hello. I believe that we are very friendly and accessible (well at least I am as sometimes the Brit is a bit crusty and gruff!) and love to make connections with our fans. In fact, we have TPA buttons and stickers to give away so just ask. We also would like to take a picture with you so we can document it in our writings.
