Last November, we embarked on our initial trip to SDHistCon and we really had a great time! The games were great, the interactions with designers, developers, publishers, content creators and gamers was fantastic and the environment was very chill and interesting. The San Diego Historical Games Convention was held from Friday, November 3rd through Sunday, November 5th at the S.E.S. Portuguese Hall of San Diego. We played 11 total games including lots of prototypes but also a few finished games including Firefight Tactical from GMT Games (with designer Sam London), Peace 1905 coming to Kickstarter this year from Fort Circle Games (with designer Maurice Suckling), Lenin’s Death (with designer Matthias Cramer), John Company 2nd Edition from Wehrlegig Games, The Promised Land: War and Peace in the Middle East 1940-1989 (with designer Matthias Cramer), Night Witches coming this year on Kickstarter from Fort Circle Games (with one of the 2 designers David Thompson), Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection from GMT Games, John Brown (with designer Alex Knight), Microverse (with designer Sam London), Tyranny of Blood: India’s Caste System Under British Colonialism, 1750-1947 (with designer Akar Bharadvaj) and In the Shadows from GMT Games (with one of the 3 designers Dan Bullock).

We also shot several interview videos with designers and I am going to share those all in this post rather than spreading those out over the next few weekends.

First up, was our interview with Sam London designer for Firefight Tactical from GMT Games:

Next was our interview with Maurice Suckling designer of Peace 1905 from Fort Circle Games:

Then our interview with Matthias Cramer designer of Lenin’s Legacy (called Lenin’s Death at the time we played the game) from GMT Games:

And finally our interview with designer Akar Bharadvaj designer of Tyranny of Blood: India’s Caste System Under British Colonialism, 1750-1947:
